The Trick to Being Super Mum in 2023 by Good Health

The Trick to Being Super Mum in 2023

Tháng ba 9, 2023

It’s no secret that the average working mum is super busy, but are they at risk of burnout more-so than before? The World Health Organisation classified burnout as an "occupational phenomenon". The criteria include feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and reduced professional efficacy.

mum and daughter

After three years of lockdowns, home-schooling and working from home is it possible that many working mums today feel more this way, from the combination of work and home pressures? The constant invisible load of coordinating the kids after-school activities, thinking about what’s for dinner (and cooking it), how to manage childcare when someone gets sick, managing the home finances, plus getting that important presentation for ready for work!

Of course, it’s not all bad news for the working mum, with the silver-lining of lockdowns bringing about an increase in more flexible hybrid working which has been a blessing to many families. Being able to steal a quick cuddle from your kids at lunchtime, not having to use up all your annual leave in the school holidays and not having to battle traffic every day of the week because you can work some of your hours at home.

Even still, heading into 2023 with a plan of action so you don’t feel so overloaded can be helpful and supporting your body with some nourishing supplements alongside a healthy wholefood diet will go a long way to supporting your energy and reducing stress levels.

Good Health have you covered with Good Health B Activated B12, which instantly dissolves in your mouth, so it cuts out that “capsule fatigue” from taking too many supplements. Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient to support the normal growth and function of all cells, including nerve and red blood cells, and it’s important for supporting our energy pathways. Good Health B Activated B12 with the active methyl-form of B12 or Methylcobalamin may also be beneficial for individuals on restricted diets, vegetarians, and vegans as well as those with gut concerns or when absorption may be impaired.

For the mum who is heading into a busy season when schools go back and still feels a little fatigued after a busy holiday then Good Health’s Energy & Vitality capsules can be a good place to start. This exclusive formulation can help support your physical and mental performance so you can hit the ground running on your return to work. With 3 powerful adaptogenic herbs Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng and Rhodiola, it provides support for the nervous system and energy systems of the body.

Please note that Siberian Ginseng should not be used during menopause, pregnancy or if you have high blood pressure. People with autoimmune disorders should also not use Rhodiola. Rhodiola should also not be used if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is not recommended for children.

Quick Tips to a Super-Mum Year:

  1. Create a family schedule that everyone can see and help with.
  2. Delegate! Make use of extended family and your community to help out.
  3. Do weekly meal planning so you save time and money at the supermarket.
  4. Schedule in your own me-time; a daily walk in nature, getting up 10-minutes before everyone else to do a meditation, or book a monthly massage.
  5. Have some quality protein at every meal to support your energy levels, balance you blood sugar and support your mood.
  6. Schedule in a buffer of 10-minutes between meetings or school pick-ups so you’re not rushing from one thing to another.
  7. Keep your supplements on the kitchen bench where you can see them and remember to take them.

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How does stress affect us?

Stress can be one of the main reasons we are depleted of certain vitamins and minerals; for example, B vitamins and magnesium are the first to be deplete when we are stressed, and when you consume alcohol or caffeine, they will disappear even faster! So first up it’s important to manage our stress by going for a quick 10-minute walk around the block after work instead of reaching for the wine in the evening. Sleep is also a foundational health pillar; it’s how we repair and detoxify overnight so its critically important. Going to bed at the same time every night and getting up at the same time in the morning is a wonderful routine for your body as it matches our circadian rhythm.

However, if you do feel the stress levels begin to rise at certain times like going to a job interview or doing a presentation at work then try Good Health’s Rapid Calm. It’s a handy effervescent tablet that dissolves quickly in water to make a delicious natural lemon flavoured drink. It contains L-theanine, magnesium and vitamin D for fast-acting stress support. L-theanine is an amino acid that helps support the nervous system when a calm, relaxed mood is so helpful during times of heightened stress. This calming effect won’t make you drowsy and it can also be used by children from 12 years old and up to help support and soothe school nerves.

Half the battle in being that super Mum is being able to have tools for yourself and your whole family, which is why Good Health has been serving Kiwi families to do more of what they love for over 35 years. So don’t battle burnout in 2023, make sure you have your plan of action to support your health and wellness, and as a busy Mum make sure you put yourself first, so you have the vitality to do those things that light you up.

Not sure which supplement is right for you? Consult with your healthcare provider or give our friendly naturopaths’ a call on 0800-446634 for a complimentary, no-obligation 15-minute consult.

Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist or you have side effects consult your health professional. Vitamins are supplementary to and not a replacement for a balanced diet. Check with your healthcare professional before taking any herbal supplements.