“If my heart could do my thinking, and my head begin to feel, I would look upon the world anew and know what’s truly real.” 范-莫里森
For millennia, poets, authors, and songbirds have written and sung about the heart in romance, in battle, and in grief and loss. It is clear the heart’s importance in our culture as well as its essentiality in the functioning of our body, but these days, how to keep our hearts physically healthy is rather murkier. We are exposed to a lot of conflicting information on the internet, on TV, and from health professionals. Is it just about diet and exercise (if so, what kind?), or is it just as important to love oneself and to be loving and openhearted towards others? We will explore all that in this article, throw in a few curveballs, and offer up some potentially supportive solutions. There’s a lot to unpack, so let’s dive in.
“There’s something beating here inside my body, and it’s called a heart,” Depeche Mode.
It is a widely held notion that the heart is just a pump, propelling the blood through the arteries and capillaries into the tissues, back out, into the veins, around 60,000 miles, all the way back to the heart (and then lungs) again. The pressure required to do that is beyond the ability of the heart muscle contractions. If the heart was solely a pump, it would only be 15-30% efficient. Contractions of the myocardium (heart muscle) do pump blood through the heart and out, but how does the blood flow through the circulatory system so that cells and organs can receive nutrients and oxygen and eliminate waste and carbon dioxide, and what role does the heart play in the movement of blood?
""我无话可说,心已全蚀"。 邦妮-泰勒
Rudolph Steiner said that the heart is not a pump; it’s an organ of perception. That is an interesting perspective, and one not without merit. The heart is the strongest source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain and around 5000 times greater in electromagnetic energy. The heart sends more biochemical messages to the brain than the brain does to the heart. The electromagnetic field around the heart has been shown to reach at least three feet beyond the body. Spiritual practice has talked about heart-centred communication and intuition for millennia, but it is only now that we have the scientific tools to begin to study it.
Neuroscientists have observed that when human beings are in heart-centred interactions, their brains release more neurotransmitters that promote feeling good. We already know that our thoughts influence our physiology, but can we transmit energies through our hearts to others? Scientists are beginning to show that we may very well be able to, by experimenting with heart-to-heart communication and the synchronising of brain patterns in pairs and then groups of people. Positive and loving thinking and mind/heart connection (coherence) may not just support individual healing but also healing on a societal level. “A crowded head leaves no space for a peaceful heart,” Christine Evangelou.
轻松 "意味着轻松愉快、无忧无虑。冷漠 "意味着切断情感联系和共鸣。当我们的心和大脑处于和谐统一的状态时,我们就能减轻压力,减少反应,提高适应能力,拥有更高的脑容量、直觉和头脑清晰度,以及更强的复原力。
"(Much better than a) Owner of a broken heart; Owner of a lonely heart,” Yes.
The Austrian philosopher, Rudolf Steiner, also described the heart’s physical function as a sort of dam, interrupting the flow of blood, but not stopping it entirely. This could be important when maintaining relatively even pressure, not just within a system of high-pressure arteries vs. low-pressure veins, but during periods of exertion when arterial and capillary pressure increases. By the same token, the heart is acting as a router, helping blood flow in the right direction and to the right place—the lungs or systemic circulation. The heart is also repressurising the blood to get to the lungs, so a much more effective CO2 and oxygen exchange can take place. If low-pressure venous blood went straight to the lungs, it would not get oxygenated fast enough. The lungs themselves also help to maintain pressure in the cardiovascular system, as does the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. The valves in the veins help to stop blood from flowing backwards, but that does not explain how blood can flow against gravity back to the heart.
Scientists have been able to show that animal blood can continue to flow when the heart has stopped by applying radiant energy in the form of infrared light to the blood vessels. Dr. Gerald Pollack’s research into exclusion zone (EZ) water, or 4第 phase water, has looked at how this gel-like water allows for the flow of liquids via electrical charge, which gives rise to an interesting theory: the heart may have another way to help maintain blood flow.
“Listen to your heart when he’s calling for you,” Roxette.
Centuries ago, Leonardo Da Vinci observed and sketched the spiraling of blood as it moved through the heart. Heart muscle contracts in a spiraling motion, vortexing the blood leaving the right ventricle. The blood is then oxygenated by the lungs and sent back to the left side of the heart to be vortexed again before entering the systemic circulation. This energises the water in the blood, which Dr. Pollack’s team showed helps to create EZ water against the hydrophilic lining of the aorta and throughout the cardiovascular system. The electrical charge that this creates may be helping to propel the blood around the body. EZ water has been shown to act like a barrier and stop anything but very small ionic minerals from getting through, and this may also help protect the glycocalyx that lines and protects the endothelium (vessel walls).
Daily exposure to radiant, infrared energy from the sun also helps to create this EZ water in blood vessels. This may explain one of the reasons why infrared sauna has been shown in research to strongly support blood flow and arterial and venous flexibility and health. Infrared light constitutes about half of the sun’s light, is present in the light from dawn ‘til dusk, can penetrate thin clothing, and can bounce off plants and lawns and hit your skin even when you’re in the shade. With a host of other benefits to safe sun exposure, getting outside may be one of the most heart-healthy things you can do.
在精神上,漩涡被认为是你所有愿望的地方,等待着你去实现。约翰-沃尔夫冈-冯-歌德说过只有发自内心的话语,才能赢得他人对自己的心."歌德还断言:"一个人心中装着什么,他就能看到什么.” So, your life can be heaven or hell, depending on what you feel in your heart or what you perceive to be the truth—basically, how you perceive the world is what is offered back to you. And, in turn, how you perceive what is or isn’t coming to you determines your level of stress, and stress is a major cause of heart problems. Additionally, EZ water supports the reduction of oxidative stress in the body, and sunlight generates feel-good chemicals. The body does not differentiate between different forms of stress: stress is stress. Perhaps, there we can start to see the convergence of science and spirituality…
"这年头,一颗善良的心很难找到.” Maria McKee
- 减少或学会管理情绪压力。保持 "本心",尽力去感知和接受事物的本来面目,而不是在头脑中编造负面的故事。冥想技巧、肯定、感恩等都有助于改变消极的思维模式。
- 保持新陈代谢健康心脏健康与灵活的新陈代谢密切相关。最近的研究表明,新陈代谢指标比低密度脂蛋白(LDL)更能预测心脏病风险。
- Do not fear (sea) salt and sodium. Minerals are essential for heart function, chiefly calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. Whole salt supplementation has been shown to support healthy blood pressure.
- No need to fear animal fats. The diet-heart hypothesis, which points the finger at saturated fat and cholesterol, has never been proven and has, in fact, been disproven time and time again. Animal fats are the only place you will find bioavailable omega-3 and C15 fatty acids. See “脂肪分为饱和脂肪和不饱和脂肪,您知道它们的区别吗?",并查看妮娜-特乔尔兹的书"......"。The Big Fat Surprise: why butter, meat, and cheese belong in a healthy diet.” Additionally, a healthy heart preferentially burns fatty acids (60-90%) and ketones for fuel.
- Drink coconut water—rich in electrolytic minerals and helps form EZ water.
- Avoid seed/vegetable oils. Far from being “heart healthy,” they are unstable and oxidise very easily, causing issues in the cardiovascular system. Evidence suggests there is no benefit in replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat. Polyunsaturated fatty acid and linoleic acid-rich oils have steadily increased in our diet over the past 100 years, and heart disease has climbed in step with this.
- 散步、举重、拉伸、冲刺。你的心脏会因此爱上你的。哦,不要吸烟!
- 保持微生物群健康,从口腔开始。心脏健康与口腔微生物平衡密切相关。
- 在日常自我保健中加入心灵冥想。培养火热的腹部(腹部之火=灵感、激情和动力)、温暖的心灵(以心为中心的沟通和联系)和冷静的头脑(非个人化的成人和激光般的思考和解决问题)。
“Put a hurtin’ on my heart,” The Herbs
CoQ10—research shows Coenzyme Q10 supports heart health and energy production. Considered essential to support cardiovascular and brain function. CoQ10 is found in many foods, with the richest source being organ meats, such as kidney and heart.
胶原蛋白—supports healthy blood vessel walls. See “10 Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bone Broth.” Hydrolysed collagen supplements are an alternative to homemade collagen broths.
Amino acids: Taurine—Research has shown the amino acid taurine to be supportive when cardiovascular and heart function is compromised. Creatine—supplementation with this amino acid has been shown to support healthy heart contraction and energy metabolism. 肉碱 has been found to support heart function and decrease manifestations during heart failure. Carnosine, anserine, and hydroxyproline—other amino acids essential to support heart health. None of these are found in any appreciable amount in plant foods, only animal foods.
Vitamin K2—found in egg yolks, butter, animal fats, and some fermented foods. Supports arterial and heart muscle flexibility and calcium regulation. Often paired with 维生素D3 支持心脏和骨骼健康。
Garlic—an age-old remedy to support healthy blood pressure.
姜黄、鼠尾草、银杏叶、橄榄叶、生姜、丹参、土茯苓、 和 hawthorn berry are just some of the herbs that can support a healthy heart and cardiovascular function. Tulsi (holy basil) and turmeric can also help build EZ water.
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