Goodhealth是新西兰一家引以为豪的企业,由约翰-布兰查德(John Blanchard)于四分之一世纪前创办。约翰的农业职业背景使他对草本植物和油料作物的健康益处产生了浓厚的兴趣,以至于在 1987 年,他开始经营好健康。
健康和活力是我们一切工作的核心,因此我们坚持只使用最纯净的优质成分来支持健康。我们的产品来自可持续发展的资源,不含 GE。在可能的情况下,我们首先从新西兰农场和种植者或经认证的国际制造商处采购。然后,我们通过独特的强化工艺,优化其令人惊叹的天然特性。
Goodhealth Products 拥有良好生产规范 (GMP) 认证,这意味着我们的产品是在受控环境下按照严格的程序生产的。我们对质量的承诺是有保证的。
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That depends. Generally, taking your supplements in the morning with your first meal of the day is best. Especially stimulating supplements such as B vitamins or Energy & Vitality.
Some supplements such as magnesium, Joint Active or sleep support supplements are designed to be taken at night.
Always take with a meal unless otherwise stated.
Always read the label and take as directed.
This is because it contains Vitamin D in the cholecalciferol form. Vitamin D3, (also called cholecalciferol), is typically made from a substance derived from sheep’s wool (lanolin). This is illuminated by ultraviolet light to form Vitamin D3, mimicking the reaction that occurs in our skin. (It is considered Halal because the sheep’s wool is from a live sheep).
In these modern times, there maybe times where your diet is lacking in some nutrients, or there is an increased demand for certain nutrients. Taking a supplement is like supporting those nutrient gaps to support the optimal functioning of our body, it’s not designed to replace a balanced diet.
It’s important to find the right supplement for you, that’s why you’ll find our products in places where you can ask for personalised advice such as pharmacies and health stores.
We also have our in-house naturopath’s that would be happy to help; call 0800 44 66 34 Monday to Friday.
It’s best practice to take supplements 2 hours away from when you take your medications. For specific medication/supplement concerns please call the in-house naturopaths and they can check for interactions. Ph 0800 44 66 34