Menopause and perimenopause can be a trying time for many women. Hot flushes, night sweats, irritability, weight gain, and sleeplessness are just a few of the undesirable and often uncomfortable and distressing manifestations. Menopause commonly occurs between the ages of 45-55, but the onset and variety of symptoms during perimenopause (peri- meaning around) is very much dependent on the individual. Many factors, including genetics, diet, and metabolic and lifestyle factors, can influence our hormone production which triggers menopause and determines how we feel during the transition and beyond. Although, this is a natural process, it can feel anything but! Symptoms can last from a few months to a few years and have the potential to disrupt the quality of day-to-day life. Many perimenopausal women take herbs that support the body naturally, bringing it back into balance. Not all herbs work the same way for everyone, so sometimes it is a case of trying something to see if it supports YOUR body or you can work with a practitioner, who can individualise herbal formulas. Menopause is a part of every woman’s life, and the use of herbs has been common practice in supporting this natural process for centuries.
- 圣人
- 野生山药
- 鼠尾草(Synetrim®CQ)
- 枣树
- 啤酒花
- 黑升麻
- 胡芦巴
- Ashwagandha
- Cinnamon
又称 丹参 鼠尾草是一种著名的草药,因其香气和味道而被用于烹饪菜肴。鼠尾草还被广泛用于帮助在更年期过渡期间保持体温平衡。鼠尾草是神经系统的滋补品,具有镇静作用--在神经疲惫时起到辅助作用,并有助于思维清晰、 聚焦、 和活力。
也有拉丁文名称、 山药, this herb should not be confused with the yams found in your kitchen. Wild yam is a different species that is known for its active ingredient, diosgenin. Wild yam has traditionally been used to help support menopause and hormonal balance. Wild yam has been used to support the management of temperature fluctuations that are associated with low oestrogens (there are other causes of these fluctuations), as well as supporting fatigue, and mental clarity and focus.
四棱松 (Synetrim®CQ):
葡萄科植物、 四棱松 在阿育吠陀传统中一直被使用。体重管理是更年期常见的挑战,因为雌激素的自然减少可能会降低肌肉质量,减缓新陈代谢。 四棱松因为 Synetrim® CQ、 通过帮助阻止对食物中脂肪、碳水化合物和糖的吸收,支持健康的脂肪代谢,并支持控制情绪化饮食,从而有效控制体重。
枣树 是一种在传统中医疗法中经常使用的草药,对神经系统有支持作用。酸枣仁有助于镇静和舒缓疲惫的心灵,为难以入睡和需要关注更健康睡眠模式的人提供支持。"忧思 "会导致体温波动;酸枣仁有助于管理这些忧思,平衡体温。
啤酒花 葎草 羽扇豆)草药补充剂作为更年期的植物替代品进行了充分的研究。啤酒花含有植物化学物质,具有广泛的生物活性,有助于放松、睡眠、情绪、体温平衡、骨骼完整性以及神经和心血管系统。研究表明,啤酒花中的一种化合物--8-prenylnaringenin(8-PN),在结构上属于前炔类黄酮,在帮助女性度过围绝经期及以后的时期方面具有最强的功效。
黑升麻 (Actea racemosa)是最著名的围绝经期草药之一。研究表明,黑升麻能够在更年期支持体温、情绪和荷尔蒙平衡,而不会对荷尔蒙敏感组织产生任何负面影响。
胡芦巴 (黑木耳最近的研究表明,胡芦巴具有生物活性,能够帮助更年期荷尔蒙的分泌。科学研究表明,一种独特的葫芦巴提取物 FenuSMART™ 能显著改善情绪、体温平衡、舒适度和睡眠。
Ashwagandha 菘蓝由于其对压力和情绪的支持作用,芦根(Ashwagandha)越来越受欢迎。芦根(又名睡茄)也被研究用于支持更年期妇女的体温平衡和安眠。
Cinnamomum verum (cinnamomum zeylanicum) is “Ceylon cinnamon” or “true cinnamon.” Cinnamon comes from the bark of certain trees in the laurel family. It has been used in Eastern medicine to support healthy circulation and digestion for millenia. Cinnamon has been shown in research to support healthy blood sugar balance, which can be a problem for many women during perimenopause and beyond. In terms of menopausal symptoms, it appears to support mood rather well.
All women experience menopause differently. Before using natural or complementary remedies to support your body during the transition, it is recommended you discuss the best approach for you with your healthcare professional. Keep in mind that over-the-counter dietary or herbal supplements are generally recognised as safe, but they still may have side effects or interactions with each other, or with other drugs. Along with taking helpful and supportive natural herbs, living a healthy lifestyle full of natural light, eating a wholefood diet (rich in animal and some plant foods, containing all the nutrients required for hormonal and metabolic function), getting good quality sleep and exercise, are also important in supporting a smooth transition through menopause.