In honour of the release of our Women’s Health Range, the Good Health naturopath team has put together a series of health articles taking a deep dive into the wonderful, complex world of the 3 Ms—menarche, menstruation, and menopause. We will also explore the female hormonal lifecycle and microbiome, potential issues that can arise, what happens and where, and some ancestral tips on how to support what is uniquely female.
第 2 部分 - 月经
It is hard to go past the fact that in the majority of societies menstruation is considered a taboo subject, with women being made to feel dirty or even dangerous because of it. Primitive beliefs ranged from anxiety about bacterial spread to worries that the smell of blood interfered with the hunting of animals. The traditional cultures that treat women with respect during that time are few and far between. In the West, we have come a long way, yet there is still a perception that women are less “reliable” and “volatile” prior to or during menstruation, which is not a particularly accurate or productive paradigm.
There is also a perception that women who live in close quarters tend to sync with each other and menstruate at the same time each month. Whether or not this is an actual phenomenon, some cultures choose to enact rituals around their periods, describing that time as having heightened spirituality and connectedness. Whichever way you feel about your monthly cycle, it is important to know what is going on—what should be happening and what shouldn’t be—so that you can be empowered to look after your own health, know when to seek professional advice, and learn to embrace it as the very special and unique thing it is.
生殖激素是类固醇激素和 孕烯醇酮 是所有生殖激素的胆固醇前体。
> 雌激素 is not a single hormone but a group of hormones, known as the oestrogens. These are made through aromatising androgens with aromatase (oestrogen synthase) in various tissues, including gonads (ovaries), brain, adipose tissue, placenta, blood vessels, skin, bone, and adrenals. The oestrogens, to varying degrees, stimulate the development of breast and reproductive organs and ensure their function. Their main function is to stimulate the growth of tissue but do so in a way that must be tightly regulated.
三种主要形式是 雌二醇(E2)这是卵巢、肾上腺和脂肪细胞在年老时制造的最有效的形式; 雌酮 (E1)雌酮是绝经后的主要雌激素,主要由脂肪细胞和肾上腺产生(在生育期,卵巢会产生一些雌酮);以及 Oestriol (E3)E4是雌激素中最弱、活性最低的一种,主要在怀孕期间发挥作用。另一种雌激素称为雌二醇(E4),只在怀孕期间产生。
通过肝脏代谢的雌激素主要有三种:2-羟基雌酮(2-OHE1)、16-羟基雌酮(16-OHE1)和 4-羟基雌酮(4-OHE1)。2-OHE1 被认为是最安全、最弱的代谢物。4-OHE1 和 16-OHE1 要强得多,而且与生殖组织和大脑的损伤有关。不良饮食习惯、饮酒、使用杀虫剂、吸烟、肥胖等与循环中 4-OHE1 和 16-OHE1 水平较高有关。
> 孕酮 is more often than not relegated to being the second most important “female hormone,” but its relevance is much wider and more important than that. Progesterone is made primarily by the ovaries, but the adrenal glands, peripheral nerves, and brain cells do contribute. Progesterone ensures the development and function of the breasts and female reproductive tract. It helps to stimulate the growth of the uterine lining, the endometrium. In the brain, progesterone exerts a calming effect and supports sleep. Progesterone supports insulin sensitivity, metabolism, and thyroid hormone function; bone building; the cardiovascular system; and libido. Progesterone antagonises oestrogens (and cortisol) and keeps them in check, particularly during pregnancy.
> 令人惊讶的是,雄性激素 睾酮, is the most abundant reproductive hormone in women, but men have it in much higher quantities. It supports libido, sleep, the heart, and brain function; strengthens ligaments; builds muscle and bone; and is associated with confidence and stamina.
> 去氢表雄酮 (DHEA) is made primarily by the ovaries and adrenal gland, but the skin and brain contribute. DHEA is the most abundant circulating hormone, and it protects against stress effects and supports libido, motivation, immune health, sleep, and mental clarity. DHEA can be converted into oestrogens and testosterone in fat, muscle, bone, and liver tissue.
简单地说 月经周期 is regulated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis and the hormone 瘦素.在大脑中,下丘脑会释放 促性腺激素释放激素 (GnRH) into the anterior pituitary, leading to the production and secretion of the gonadotropins, including 促黄体激素 (LH) 和 卵泡刺激素 (FSH)。LH 和 FSH 作用于女性性腺(卵巢),刺激排卵(LH)并将卵巢中的雄激素转化为雌二醇(FSH)。
Incidentally, both men and women produce the same hormones, but their production sites, tissue and blood concentrations, and interactions with organ systems are different.
The female menstrual cycle (see graphic) is a cascade of pituitary and ovarian hormones influencing the growth or breakdown of reproductive tissue in the ovaries, uterus, and breasts. The duration of the complete cycle is usually around 28 days but can vary between 21-35 days, which is considered “normal.” The cycle starts with the first day of menstruation—the period—and finishes on the day prior to menstruation.
In the middle of the cycle, during ovulation, an egg is released from an ovarian follicle. Sometimes more than 1 egg is released. After ovulation, the mature egg is ready to be fertilized by sperm during intercourse, which usually results in conception and a pregnancy. If an egg remains unfertilised, it will still travel to the uterus where the endometrial lining has been building up over the prior 21ish days. Menstruation is simply the shedding of an unfertilised egg along with the unwanted endometrial tissue.
图形 - 月经周期
- 基础体温 (BBT) 的变化 - 您的 BBT 最低 每日 body temperature, which you can measure upon waking each morning. On the day after you ovulate, your BBT will go up (perhaps after dipping slightly) between approximately 0.22 and 0.56 degrees Celsius and stay elevated until you menstruate. Your most fertile period is the two to three days before the increase in BBT. You’ll need a special basal body thermometer, available from most pharmacies, and you can identify patterns by charting monthly temperature changes for a few months.
- Changes in cervical mucus: 5-6 days prior to, and 2-3 days after, ovulation, you may notice an increase and change in cervical mucus. To help sperm swim towards an egg, this mucus becomes like raw egg white—stretchy, clear, thin, and slippery. The potential for conception is at its peak when mucus is at its most slippery and clear.
- Changes to the cervix: If you are ovulating, your cervix will be softer, higher, wetter, and more open than usual. Your labia may be slightly swollen and more sensitive.
- Lower abdominal or back/side discomfort: This is known as 锚 (German for “middle pain”). The feeling may last minutes to a day or so and can either be dull and achy or sharp.
- Spotting: Light brown or red spotting may happen all at once or for a few days and is a result of the follicle splitting open to release the egg.
- Breast tenderness: The release of hormones may make your breasts or nipples feel tender and heavy after ovulation.
- Heightened sense of smell: Some women report this, but more research is needed.
- Increased libido: Makes sense! This is the “perfect” time to procreate.
- Changes in appetite or mood: As oestrogen levels peak on ovulation, your appetite may decrease for a few days. Then, as progesterone rises prior to menstruation (or pregnancy), your appetite may increase. The release of LH and FSH during ovulation may support a good mood.
- Fluid retention: LH and oestrogen rising just before you ovulate may cause you to retain fluid and feel bloated. Then as progesterone increases, your digestion may slow down.
In traditional Chinese practice, it is considered abnormal for a woman to experience any trouble with any part of her menstrual cycle; that a woman’s periods should come and go with as much ease as the sun rising and setting. There should be little to no mood swings, irritability, pain, spotting, breast or tummy discomfort, skin breakouts, or digestive upsets, etc., prior to menstruation, and the period should be comfortable with little to no clotting and last no more than 5-6 days. They should be relatively regular, as close to a 28-day cycle as possible. Ovulation should occur every month, and there should be no irregular or excessive bleeding or a complete absence of a monthly period. 如果您对自己的生理周期有任何担心,请去看专业医生。
A healthy woman of reproductive age is a fertile woman. That does not mean to say that an unhealthy woman cannot get pregnant, but we can tell a lot about the true health of a woman by her menstrual cycle. She may or may not be truly fertile or ovulating, but there will often be signs pointing to imbalance or dysfunction in her body.
Stress is a big problem for reproductive hormone balance because when we are stressed, our bodies deprioritise “nonessential” functions like reproduction, and oxidation processes can get out of control. Research has shown that constant emotional stress downregulates reproductive hormone production and/or throws them out of balance. Rampant oxidation can cause or worsen reproductive and hormonal issues. Research also shows us that reproductive hormone health is heavily influenced by our circadian rhythm—the daily, natural light and dark cycles—and its chief hormones—melatonin and cortisol, along with leptin. Leptin is an incredibly important hormone for reproductive health, and having a disrupted circadian rhythm can dysregulate leptin as well as cause major stress on the body.
Infertility is prevalent in regions of the world with high rates of blood sugar dysregulation and metabolic dysfunction. In the West, particularly the US, less than 15% of the population is thought to be metabolically healthy. Metabolic dysfunction affects reproductive physiology, including egg (oocyte) development, ovulation, and implantation. Irregular ovulation and periods, signs of testosterone imbalance, and abnormal growths are thought to be potentially caused by the metabolic inhibition of aromatase, which causes reduced oestradiol; however, there are multiple factors involved, and oestrogens can also run rampant if they are not metabolised and excreted properly by the liver and bowel or if progesterone production is too low—it is all about balance!
A healthy liver is essential for the metabolism and management of reproductive hormones. The health of the liver is affected by the health of the body’s metabolism. It has been demonstrated that in a model of dysregulated metabolism and unhealthy liver function, high or recirculating oestrogens can stimulate the adrenal glands without pituitary involvement, leading to an increase in adrenal androgens and an increase in body hair growth and other male characteristics. Oestrogens (chiefly oestradiol, at this point) need to be produced, do their job at the right time, and then “get out of Dodge,” so to speak. Women who do not experience problems are able to metabolise oestradiol to 2-hydroxy estrone (2-OHE1) and excrete it. Recirculating or excess oestrogens and their less healthy metabolites, 16-hydroxy estrone (16-OHE1) and 4-hydroxy estrone (4-OHE1), and/or relatively low progesterone, is often called “oestrogen dominance.” This can cause a number of problems with the menstrual cycle, including premenstrual issues. An imbalance of serotonin and its associated hormones is also problematic, especially just prior to the start of menstruation. Additionally, the health of the thyroid affects reproductive function and metabolism. Nutrients that support liver and thyroid health include animal protein, choline, copper, iodine, selenium, zinc, and vitamins B1, B3, B6, A, D3, and folate. Iodine is especially important for the health of all reproductive tissue, and true vitamin A (retinol) is essential for reproductive function. See 肝爱让生活更美好 了解更多有关肝脏健康的信息。
Following on from the importance of producing the right volume of oestrogens and metabolising and excreting them expediently via the liver and bowel, it appears to be just as important to ensure healthy progesterone production. Progesterone synthesis is suppressed during times of stress to prevent pregnancy because reproduction is not considered an acute, life-or-death activity, unlike running or fighting when confronted by a threat. High oestrogens and/or their metabolites, free-radical excess, high prolactin and adrenocorticotropic hormone levels, high cortisol, high levels of carotene, and an imbalance of gonadotropins can cause low progesterone. Low thyroid hormone and LDL, as well as true vitamin A (retinol) deficiency, can also prevent the synthesis of progesterone, as can certain instigators of early puberty (see the 初潮文章 in this series). Oestrogens can induce excitotoxic death of brain cells, and progesterone and pregnenolone are known to combat this and other consequences of unchecked oestrogens.
While we cannot fathom the true complexity of human hormonal and metabolic function, and although scientific research, especially of female endocrine (hormonal) function, is lacking, we can use our relatively limited knowledge to connect many of the dots. Our modern lifestyle—with our high, ultra-processed food diets, high stress, and exposure to pollution, chemicals, and artificial light, especially at night—is more than likely to blame for hormonal imbalance and our high rates of reproductive issues. Blue light exposure, chemical and air pollution, alcohol consumption, central adiposity, obesity, inflammation, consumption of refined sugar and seed/vegetable oils, medications, nutrient deficiencies, etc., have all been shown in research to cause or exacerbate serious metabolic dysfunction and negatively impact liver health (and other organs) with downstream effects on reproduction and hormones. Hormonal balance simply means that the ratios of hormones to other hormones are correct so that the reproductive system, and the whole body, can function as it should.
全球各地有一些 "原始 "人类,他们仍然生活在大自然的怀抱中,他们的妇女没有出现生殖问题。据推测,这是因为他们拥有健康的新陈代谢,这与进化过程中祖先的生活方式是一致的。
- 营养丰富、以动物性食物为主的饮食,不食用超级加工食品
- 健康平衡的微生物群
- 与大地、自然和彼此的深厚联系
- 支持性社会网络
- 适当的活动量
- 几乎没有电磁、化学或空气污染
- 减轻总体压力
- 享受创造和学习
- 无药物治疗
- 每天接触自然光(几乎没有人造光--LED/荧光灯、屏幕等)
科学研究表明,这些生活方式有助于调节人体昼夜节律、平衡荷尔蒙功能、酣睡、压力管理、氧化还原潜力(健康氧化和减少自由基积累),以及自然产生大量 "感觉良好 "的荷尔蒙。
如果你是处于人生任何阶段的女性,并且正在经历生殖荷尔蒙失衡,从而影响你的生活质量,你可以阅读更多有关祖传生活方式和饮食因素的信息,以支持你的荷尔蒙和新陈代谢、 这里.
介绍: 良好的健康周期平衡
良好的健康周期平衡 是一种独特的混合物,由 6 种经过科学研究剂量的协同草药和海带(含碘)组成,旨在支持健康的月经周期、平衡的荷尔蒙以及经前和经期的舒适感。在中国传统习俗中,育龄妇女长期以来一直使用当归、柴胡、芍药、生姜和甘草,研究表明,它们有助于健康的荷尔蒙平衡、血流量、子宫张力、经期舒适度和肝功能。健康的肝脏对支持雌激素的新陈代谢至关重要。周期平衡配方支持神经和荷尔蒙系统,促进健康的情绪、皮肤和乳房舒适度。甲状腺和肾上腺也能得到支持,因为它们对健康的生殖功能至关重要。
- 荷尔蒙平衡
- 经期的舒适性
- 调节经期规律性
- 经前和乳房舒适
- 健康的血液流动
- 肝脏、甲状腺和肾上腺功能
- 健康的情绪和皮肤
TAPS 编号:PP2522 和 PP2888