3位女士与女性荷尔蒙生命周期,第3部分--更年期 by Good Health

3 位女士与女性荷尔蒙生命周期,第 3 部分 - 更年期

5 月 1, 2024

为了庆祝我们的女性健康系列产品的发布,Good Health 自然疗法团队撰写了一系列健康文章,深入探讨奇妙而复杂的三位女士--初潮、月经和更年期。我们还将探讨女性荷尔蒙生命周期和微生物群、可能出现的潜在问题,以及如何支持女性特有的一些祖传秘方。


Sometimes being female feels like a cruel cosmic joke – from puberty to menopause many of us have to deal with emotional and physical suffering for 1–2 weeks out of every month, which appears to get worse and worse as we age, and then, when all that stops at menopause, and we think we can finally chill out and breathe, we’re subjected to a barrage of constant disruptions that can make the premenstrual period each month look like it was a ride at Disneyland….albeit, one of the scarier rides! To top it off, women are often gaslit or misdiagnosed by health professionals. It doesn’t have to be like that, but you do need to take control of your own health, and there may be a lot we can learn from humans living a more evolutionarily consistent lifestyle about how to keep our hormones balanced and functioning well, even into older age.

欢迎阅读第 3 部分--更年期......和围绝经期

In many cultures, menopause is considered a gift: where women become the wise “grandmother”; supporting and guiding while free to enjoy other aspects of life, including vitality, joyfulness, and sexuality, with no further responsibility for pregnancy. Unfortunately, in the developed world, with our fast-paced, modern lifestyles and ultra-processed diets, women can find their quality of life deteriorating when they hit perimenopause. Menopausal symptoms – temperature fluctuations, poor sleep, mood changes, stiff joints, weight gain, brain fog, etc. – are known to plague over 80% of Western women. During the reproductive years, the influence of oestrogens leads to fat accumulation in the breasts, hips, and buttocks, while post-menopause weight gain can be in the central and visceral (around organs) areas, especially if metabolism is dysfunctional.

更年期是指女性可生育的月经周期停止,但生育力会在若干年内下降--卵泡消失的速度加快,卵巢体积缩小,卵巢分泌的激素减少。卵巢一般不会完全消失,但肾上腺和脂肪组织会接手制造大部分雄激素和雌激素(雌激素主要以雌酮-E1 的形式存在)。 有证据表明,生殖荷尔蒙并不一定会完全失调,只要注重给予身体作为一个健康的人类动物所需要的东西,我们确实可以保持生殖荷尔蒙的平衡和良好运作。


健康新西兰 - 更年期女士


In traditional Chinese practice, it is considered abnormal for a woman to experience any trouble with any part of her menstrual cycle, that a woman’s periods should come and go with as much ease as the sun rising and setting, and menopause should simply be a cessation of menstruation. There should be little to no brain fog, mood swings, joint issues, or any other of the afflictions that go hand in hand with “the change”. 重要提示:如果您对自己的生理周期、围绝经期或更年期有任何担忧,请咨询专业医护人员。

有人认为,过山车式的更年期 "症状 "仅仅是由于女性荷尔蒙的起伏增大,尤其是雌激素水平的下降造成的;然而,越来越清楚的是,新陈代谢失调、压力、营养缺乏和孕酮过低才是主要因素。这些因素必然会影响调节和支持荷尔蒙健康的内脏器官。甲状腺和肝脏的健康对于生殖激素的健康尤为重要。

Even though a menopausal body still makes oestrogens, it is possible that some western women may experience a sort of oestrogen “withdrawal” much like going cold turkey, as their body produces lower amounts. It has been suggested that western women are exposed to higher levels of the oestrogens during their reproductive years due to “oestrogen dominance”, exposure to xenoestrogens, and low progesterone levels. Research has shown that it could be more of a drop in progesterone that causes most perimenopausal women in the West to experience a rollercoaster ride. Other researchers have demonstrated that high levels of luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) during menopause, are because regulatory nerves have lost sensitivity to higher than optimal levels of oestrogens, or oestrogen dominance.  Increases in LH and/or FSH hormones can cause many of the unpleasant physical symptoms that many women in perimenopause experience. In addition, pathologically high prolactin levels, which can be caused by things like stress, liver or thyroid issues, high tissue oestrogens, and metabolic dysfunction, can cause some of the menopausal manifestations that are blamed on “not enough oestrogen”.

有趣的是,当压力水平较高时,雌激素的分泌也会增加,而我们往往并不知情。围绝经期的血液检测可能不能说明全部问题,因为雌激素(雌酮)水平 细胞和组织中 尽管血液中的雌二醇水平会明显下降,但雌激素仍可能充足甚至过量。雌酮是由体内许多组织(包括乳房和子宫内膜)中的芳香化酶产生的。芳香化酶会随着年龄的增长而增加。孕酮的作用之一就是帮助这些组织中的细胞将雌激素释放到血液中,经肝脏代谢后排出体外。有证据表明,对我们中的许多人来说,更年期的艰难可能只是雌激素优势和不健康的雌激素/孕激素比例以及甲状腺和肝功能受损的延续,而许多西方女性在更年期之前的几年甚至几十年里都经历过这种情况。

Due to healthier metabolisms and organ and gland function, low to zero rates of obesity, low to zero exposure to plastics (xenoestrogens) and lower stress levels, healthy, primitive humans have lower overall exposure to oestrogens during their reproductive lifetime, and potentially less ovarian atrophy. They appear to continue to have healthy amounts of all the reproductive hormones post-menopause, including the hugely important, and often overlooked, progesterone, plus they have healthy levels of prolactin.


在围绝经期,孕酮的分泌会减少过多,皮质醇在没有孕酮的控制下会上升。更年期皮质醇小幅上升也有其他生理原因,但如果皮质醇上升过多,就会导致体重增加、内分泌紊乱、心血管问题和血糖失衡。孕酮还能防止绝经后雌激素引起问题,尤其是在乳房、大脑或子宫组织中。答案可能是将孕酮水平保持在健康有效的范围内。多晒太阳和保持充足的睡眠有助于做到这一点,保持甲状腺和肝脏处于最佳状态以及摄入大量蛋白质和脂肪也有帮助--为了荷尔蒙健康,应多摄入动物蛋白和脂肪,不要摄入过多植物蛋白,更不要摄入植物油。动物脂肪含有胆固醇,而胆固醇是生殖激素的前体,此外,这些被不公平地诽谤的脂肪含有 4 种脂溶性维生素,对生殖激素功能至关重要。



在全球范围内,有一些 "原始 "人类,他们仍然像数千年前一样,生活在大自然的怀抱中,他们的女性并没有表现出围绝经期症状,也没有在绝经后增加更多的身体脂肪,或者健康状况急剧下降到慢性病的程度。据推测,这是因为他们在进化过程中保持了一贯的生活方式,因而具有健康的新陈代谢和荷尔蒙功能。

Good Health NZ - 更年期锻炼 1656615468


  • 营养丰富、以动物性食物为主的饮食,不食用超级加工食品
  • 健康平衡的微生物群
  • 与大地、自然和彼此的深厚联系
  • 支持性社会网络
  • 适当的活动量
  • 几乎没有电磁、塑料、化学或空气污染
  • 减轻总体压力
  • 享受创造和学习
  • 无药物治疗
  • 每天接触自然光(几乎没有人造光--LED/荧光灯、屏幕等)

科学研究表明,这些生活方式有助于调节人体昼夜节律、平衡荷尔蒙功能、酣睡、压力管理、氧化还原潜能(健康的氧化和还原过程),以及天然的高 "感觉良好 "荷尔蒙。

如果您是处于围绝经期任何阶段的女性,并且正在经历影响生活质量的生殖激素失衡,您还可以阅读更多有关您可以尝试的支持性措施的信息, 这里.利用祖传的生活方式和饮食因素来支持你的荷尔蒙和新陈代谢,你也许能找到在围绝经期及以后的岁月里保持对生活的热情和乐趣的方法。


介绍: 好健康 Peri-Meno+

好健康 Peri-Meno+ 是一种含有经过科学研究的草药的综合配方,可帮助妇女度过围绝经期和绝经后时期。啤酒花对更年期妇女的体温平衡、情绪、大脑功能和放松都有帮助。众所周知,黑升麻有助于保持健康的情绪和舒适的体温,而葫芦巴则有助于更年期妇女的荷尔蒙平衡。芦根和鼠尾草的加入则是为了支持情绪、大脑健康和功能、压力管理和恢复睡眠。芦根已被证明能支持健康的皮质醇水平。所有这五种草药在传统上都被用来帮助妇女度过更年期,而且还被研究用于支持健康的体重和新陈代谢率,以及心血管和抗氧化功能。

健康新西兰 - ZZE10101 Peri Meno 60s 2100x2100px

Peri-Meno+ 支持

  • 温度舒适度
  • 情绪和压力管理
  • 健康睡眠
  • 荷尔蒙平衡
  • 心血管和大脑功能
  • 健康的新陈代谢、体重和血糖平衡


3 位女士与女性荷尔蒙生命周期,第 1 部分 - 初潮

3 位女士与女性荷尔蒙生命周期,第 2 部分 - 月经


女性荷尔蒙健康的祖传智慧,第 1 部分

女性荷尔蒙健康的祖传智慧,第 2 部分

TAPS 批准号:PP2522
