您是情绪化的饮食者吗?如何支持健康饮食 by Goodhealth


11 月 14, 2023

Whether it is because you are feeling stressed, tired, lonely, bored, or even happy; emotional eating happens when we use food to encourage or reinforce positive emotions to make ourselves feel good - eating to satisfy emotions rather than physical hunger. Experts suggest that 75% of overeating is caused by an attempt to satisfy our emotions. Most of us know what, when and how much we should be eating, but many of us find our emotions can be stronger than our willpower.

您可能情绪化饮食的 5 个迹象

  1. 在身体不饿的情况下吃东西--吃得过饱,忽略身体发出的信号,或将食物作为一种情绪应对机制。
  2. 你很难找到让你满意的食物。
  3. 你会发现自己在无意识地进食--你可能不会享受或品尝食物,因为你是在不假思索或漫不经心地进食。
  4. 当情绪高涨时,你往往会产生更强烈或更强烈的渴望。
  5. 当你想改善心情时,你会寻找更舒适、更方便的食物。

支持健康饮食的 5 种方法

  1. 让厨房充满营养食品

Eat wholefoods that nourish your body and mind. Wholefoods are full of nutrients that help support our overall health and wellbeing. Choose foods for their nutritional content: animal foods are nutrient-dense and with more bioavailable vitamins and minerals than plant foods, so focus on these. Plant foods contain varying levels of defense chemicals that can interfere with digestive and immune function, so choose plant foods that work for you, and learn how to detoxify things like wholegrains, seeds, and beans, the way that traditional cultures have.

      2. Eat a whole food, seasonal, and local diet (and hopefully organic)


      3. Support your blood sugar levels

Blood sugar imbalances lead to cravings which can make healthy eating that little bit harder to support. Chromium and white mulberry leaf are key nutrients that support satiety, and the botanical Garcinia Cambogia also supports balance blood sugar balance and even supports mood and healthy serotonin levels.

      4. Eat mindfully


     5. Disconnect food from your reward or ‘feel good’ system

It is important to disconnect food from your reward system and start rewarding yourself with other fulfilling activities rather than eating food; for example, catching up with a friend, having a massage, or take a relaxing bath. Try viewing food as nourishment and fuel rather than part of your emotional response. It doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy good food, just find a balance.


