You don’t have to be an expert in the intricate workings of the human brain to understand that it’s an incredible organ. It is the control room for our physical sensations and body movement, our motor skills, judgment, and emotion, our language, memory, thoughts, attention, and perception, our ability to plan and carry out tasks, and our ability to live a purposeful life. Despite its immense importance, most of us don’t look after our brain like we do our other vital organs or muscles. We keep fit for the good of our heart, and we eat well for the good of our digestion and body, but our brain is all too often overlooked.
Like other muscles and organs, our brains don’t work as well as we age. We become more absent-minded and generally don’t feel as sharp as we used to. At the extreme end of the scale are conditions that significantly alter the way we operate on a daily basis. While these things can rear up later in life, they are not entirely attributed to age and can be caused by several outside factors such as poor diet and lifestyle and heredity factors. It’s quite alarming to know how much brain conditions are increasing in the West.
The message, the experts say, is “Change your unhealthy lifestyle habits now or face a much greater risk of developing brain problems in the future.” But here’s the good news…
If your metabolism is healthy and you do not have blood sugar imbalances or issues with oxalates, chocolate can be a treat for the brain. Make sure the chocolate is not raw, as the Mayans always “processed” (cooked) their cacao before consuming. 2 squares of dark chocolate are probably enough; in this case, less is definitely more!
Omega-3—particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
DHA is one of the critical nutrients required by the brain and eyes during the early stages of development. Sufficient levels are needed to properly maintain optimum brain health throughout life. In fact, this Omega-3 is the primary building block of the brain. The brain is 50-60% fat, and DHA is one of the most abundant fatty acids in the brain. It supports cellular communication and the action of neurotransmitters. In short, it helps your brain cells talk to each other better. Sources of omega-3, DHA, include oily fish and seafood, fish oil, krill oil, and animal fats. Make sure you balance it with intake of the omega-6 fatty acid, arachidonic acid, and the saturated fats that occur along with the omegas in the animal foods. Arachidonic acid is another abundant fatty acid in the brain and is required for healthy brain growth and function, and the saturated fats help protect the fragile omegas in the body.
PS 天然存在于我们的大脑中,但随着年龄的增长,其含量会下降,因此需要补充。素食者和低脂饮食者的 PS 含量通常也较低。PS 可通过膜受体接收信息的数量来支持大脑细胞之间的交流。它还有助于大脑乙酰胆碱的供应和输出,乙酰胆碱是一种对头脑清醒至关重要的神经递质。非常适合大脑感到疲劳的人!PS 天然存在于肥鱼、内脏、鸡蛋和一些蔬菜中,但真正有效的物质来自于补充剂。
维生素 E
This common vitamin supports brain health and can be found in whole milk, butter, eggs, animal fats, nuts, soaked/fermented whole grains, wheat germ, and dark leafy greens like spinach.
维生素 B12
缺乏 B12 通常与神经系统问题有关。不幸的是,随着年龄的增长,B12 的吸收率会下降。一个简单的血液测试就能告诉您是否缺乏。动物性食物是 B12 的唯一非补充来源。
Folate, or vitamin B9, is needed to manufacture brain neurotransmitters (the brain’s chemical messengers), which are responsible for memory, mental clarity, and alertness. B vitamins are water soluble and lost much more easily from vegetables during cooking, so it is better to get them from animal foods (research shows the folate content remains robust during dry cooking) and fruits (because they can be eaten raw). 50-75g of lightly sautéed chicken livers, 2 soft yolk eggs, plus half an avocado, or 1 orange, will get the average adult over the recommended daily limit (400 mcg) for folate. Pregnant women need 600 mcg but should get that by following a nutrient-dense diet or by supplementing with 5-methyltetrahydrofolate.
所有大脑必需营养素 - 内脏、动物食品和脂肪
Animal meats, fat, and organs, especially from ruminant animals, are rich in all the essential nutrients and bioavailable proteins and fats that our brain requires to develop, function, and repair itself. Essential brain nutrients that are plentiful in red/organ meats that are absent from plant foods: B12, creatine, carnitine, carnosine, taurine, retinoic acid (vitamin A), vitamin D3, vitamin K2, heme iron, DHA, EPA, and arachidonic acid. Other brain essentials like iron, magnesium, zinc, and choline are difficult to get in any meaningful amounts from plant sources. Research has shown that vegetarians experience significantly increased mental illness and earlier cognitive decline than omnivores.
Taurine, in particular, has been shown to support brain function, longevity, and recovery from brain injury through its effects on mitochondrial health, DNA protection, and healthy immune responses. Taurine also plays a critical nutritional role in brain cell growth, differentiation, and development. Other research is finding that eating meat supports a healthy mood, and many practitioners of psychiatry are turning to not only nutritional interventions but also actual meat-heavy, ketogenic, or carnivore diets in some of the most severe brain conditions. The ketogenic diet, in particular, has a ton of research finding its benefit for brain health and function.
This herb has been shown to support blood flow to the brain, and therefore oxygen and glucose utilisation in the brain (glucose is the only fuel the brain uses). It also supports the rate at which information is transmitted from cell to cell within the brain. It is commonly used to support mental clarity, focus, and alertness, and overall brain health.
- 充足的睡眠
- 每天从日出到日落有规律地接受阳光照射("光照休息"!)。
- 保持体育锻炼
- 避免吸烟
- 保持健康的体重和新陈代谢
- 通过学习新技能、填字游戏、阅读等保持精神活跃。
- 通过社交活动、俱乐部等保持社交参与。
健康饮食以动物性食物为主,因为动物性食物含有多种营养物质,如欧米加-3 脂肪酸、氨基酸和 B 族维生素,甚至还有抗氧化剂,这些物质有助于大脑健康,降低认知能力下降和神经退行性疾病的风险。