5 Steps to Good Health – Mood by Goodhealth

健康的 5 个步骤 - 情绪

11 月 8, 2023




Poor emotional health can weaken your body’s immune system. This makes you more susceptible to bugs during emotionally difficult times. Also, when you are feeling stressed, anxious, or upset, you may not take care of your health as well as you should. Stress and worry over time can take a significant toll on health and seriously undermine quality of life. For those battling stress and exhaustion, the nervous system needs to be nourished and rebalanced. Good mental health boosts our physical health, creates resilience, helps us to feel happy, confident, and secure.



Want to support your immune system? Try some mood-support!

Try Good Health’s 5 Steps to boosting your mood naturally:

Easier said than done when you’re in the midst of a busy, stressful period, but it’s important that you learn to stop, breathe, and delegate. There’s no need to do it all yourself; you’ll just end up feeling tired and fatigued. Be sure to include some “me” time every day. It might be breathing exercises between errands, meditation, or yoga, walking the dog, or simply sitting in the garden with a nice cool drink. The point is to take some time for you.


Involved in over 300 processes within the body, magnesium plays an essential role in our lives. It’s not just your muscles that magnesium helps to relax, it can also have a dramatic effect on your nervous system. Known as the relaxation mineral, a deficiency can make you feel on edge, anxious, irritable, and even increase the possibility of panic attacks. The more stressed you are, the more your body chews through magnesium. Additionally, coffee and alcohol can increase stress and decrease sleep, amplifying our need for magnesium. Try Good Health’s topical 舒缓按摩镁霜 for fast absorption through your skin, the body’s largest organ, or for a more high-strength formula, try Good Health’s 镁粉 或 超级有机镁片. Good Health has a range of magnesium options.

Often it can be hard to begin, but once you start, exercise can help to calm the mind and leave you feeling great afterwards. Exercising releases endorphins that help to improve your mood, focus, and sleep. It is important to find an exercise regime that works for you, keeping in mind that the type of exercise that was beneficial to you one day, may not be what you need on another day. Whether it is going for a brisk walk and connecting with a friend, doing a high-intensity interval workout which burns adrenaline, or practicing yoga and focusing on your breath, exercise is a wonderful way to take a break from your thoughts.

If we don’t receive adequate sleep each night, not only is our mood and cognition compromised, but our immune system is also too. It is during sleep that our cells undergo repair, making sleep crucial for everyday function. The glymphatic system “cleans” the brain when we are in deep sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night so that your immune system can function optimally, and you can feel your best.

如果您需要额外的情绪支持,请尝试将以下 Goodhealth 产品之一纳入您的日常补充剂中: 

Good Health Rapid Calm is a unique stress complex with scientifically researched L-Theanine. This amino acid crosses the blood brain barrier to support a calm, relaxed mood. Rapid Calm helps during times of heightened stress, showing noticeable results in 15 minutes. This stress complex also contains Vitamin D for year-round mood support, and magnesium for nervous tension. Good Health Rapid Calm dissolves easily in water for a delicious tasting, natural lemon flavoured drink.

Good Health Adrenal Balance is a natural programme to help get your life back, supporting you to keep your stress in check while balancing physical and mental energy and supporting calmness. Good Health Adrenal balance contains 2 formulas: one for daytime and one for night-time. Naturally formulated to help your body cope better during times of stress, fatigue, and mental exhaustion. Adrenal Balance includes nutrients that are used to help manage stress and nervous tension; ideal for those who are fatigued or feeling wired and tired.

我们的皮肤是人体最大的器官,因此外用药膏是一个很好的选择,它可以有针对性地快速吸收缓解症状,让您全身受益。Goodhealth Magnesium Cream 含有真正的 Zechstein™ 氯化镁,这是世界上最优质、最纯净的天然氯化镁。镁霜与有机薄荷油、薄荷醇、丁香油和辣椒油相结合,具有温和的温热和冷却效果,可快速舒缓疲劳和紧张的肌肉和关节。


Good Health Organic Magnesium Ultra is a high strength formula that contains a more easily absorbable form of magnesium that is better utilised in the body, boosted by Vitamins B6 and D3 for further support. This makes it faster acting and helps to relax muscle tension and tightness. Magnesium also supports physical performance during intense exercise, helps soothe nervous tension, stress and supports sleep. What a wonder supplement!

To learn more about supporting your mood, here are some additional helpful resources from the health and wellness experts at Good Health:


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