上班族的眼睛健康 by Goodhealth


8 月 31, 2023

For many of us, sitting in front of a computer screen is the reality of our work life. Unfortunately, staring at a screen all day really takes its toll on your eyes. You don’t need a new occupation – just a new routine. Here are some everyday tips for the everyday office worker.



践行 20-20-20 规则

Focusing for too long on one thing can tire your eyes out. Every twenty minutes, spend twenty seconds looking at something twenty feet away. Looking away regularly will help the muscles inside your eyes to relax. If you can get outside into natural light for a “light break”, even better. 


Office workers tread a fine line between good lighting that provides enough illumination and bright lighting that borders on glare. If you’re in a position to help choose the lighting for your office, beware of super bright lights. You need comfortable lighting that allows you to see all kinds of documents, but you don’t want to blind the workers. On the flip side, lighting that is too dark will make people feel sleepy and hinder productivity. Many workplaces have an Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) representative, if think you might need some changes to your lighting, have a friendly chat to yours. Open a window next to your workstation to let in the natural light, if possible.






工作站的整体设置对眼睛健康有很大影响。尽量将显示器放置在离眼睛至少 50 厘米的地方,屏幕中心低于眼睛约 10-15 度。这样,光线就不会那么强烈,你也不会伸长脖子。

无论我们是否整天对着电脑屏幕,眼睛健康都是我们应该认真对待的问题。上述建议有助于将办公室工作对眼睛的伤害降到最低,但我们在日常生活中还可以做其他事情来帮助维护眼睛健康。定期进行眼科检查、健康饮食和佩戴太阳镜都会有所帮助。了解您还可以做些什么 这里.

获取 正确的营养 在饮食中添加眼药水也有助于眼睛的整体健康。 山桑子例如,蓝莓(又名蓝莓)能帮助人体应对自由基的伤害,同时支持视觉清晰度、眼力和注意力。毕竟,视力是人最重要的感官之一,因此要悉心呵护。

