Research has shown that humans who are still living an ancestral, hunter/gatherer lifestyle do not experience the plethora of afflictions associated with reproductive dysfunction or menopause in the developed world, most probably due to relatively healthy metabolisms. When thinking about what would support our hormones, microbiome, and metabolism, at any age or stage, we might consider the differences in our diets and lifestyles. So, while we might not want to “throw the baby out with the bathwater” and go back to living without so many of our wonderful technological advances, we can still look to how our human and hominid ancestors lived for clues on how to prevent some of the degenerative conditions that are increasing in modernised humans. This is a big one, so hang on and let the games begin!
There are pockets of traditional humans left on earth, living and eating as they have for thousands of years. While they do not have access to our modern advances and healthcare in more immediate situations, they have very little degenerative disease or need for long-term pharmaceutical medications. Studies have shown that they have diverse and healthy microbiomes and well-functioning reproductive systems. They appear to achieve this by:
- 摄入营养丰富的饮食,以动物性食物为主
- 体验与地球和彼此的深层联系
- 拥有支持性的社会和家庭网络
- 几乎不接触电磁场、永久/有毒化学物质或空气污染
- 终生保持活跃,总体压力较小
- 每天接受来自太阳的自然光照射(夜间有火光照射)
- 经常暴露在寒冷或炎热的环境中
科学研究表明,这些生活方式有助于调节人体的昼夜节律、健康的新陈代谢、平衡的荷尔蒙和生殖功能、良好的睡眠、氧化还原潜能、压力管理以及天然的高 "感觉良好 "荷尔蒙。
第 2 部分 - 运动、散热、电磁场和污染以及压力
We are at the point to say that some type of exercise in your day is essential…at any age. In fact, consistent activity throughout the day is more effective than sitting all day and going to the gym for an hour. Studies show that regular activity and some higher-intensity exercise support the reduction of reproductive and hormonal issues, e.g., menopausal manifestations like temperature fluctuations and erratic mood, and microbiome and hormone balance. Muscle is now being looked at as a longevity organ and is linked to metabolic, heart, and bone health. Three physiological changes after menopause are the loss of skeletal muscle and bone density and the gain of adipose tissue, particularly unhealthy visceral fat. There is a type of subcutaneous fat, the first layer of fat under the skin, that is metabolically healthy. This superficial subcutaneous fat is metabolically active, secreting beneficial hormones. Deeper subcutaneous fat is typically metabolically unhealthy, and visceral fat, especially when it grows inside organs, is very unhealthy.
Traditional humans continue to be active, gaining and maintaining a significant amount of lean muscle mass. So, even if they have subcutaneous fat tissue, some of it will be healthy (superficial, brown/beige fat), and they remain metabolically healthy—this has been shown to be healthier than having poor musculature with little to no body fat, which we often see in people who are too strongly plant-based. A preventative strategy would be for women to focus on building and maintaining muscular power. There are all sorts of ways to achieve this. The younger you start, the better; however, any age is the perfect age to start resistance training, etc., and to see the benefits. Research has shown that resistance training, or lifting weights, and jumping are key to bone health after menopause.
Another focus might be on exercise that decreases cortisol and other stress hormones. Just 20-30 minutes walking is enough to significantly drop cortisol levels. Traditional humans tend to do a lot of walking. Getting 10,000-12,000 steps per day, on average, of walking is linked to healthy weight and cardiovascular function. Pilates, gentle yoga, qi gong, thai chi, or other gentle movement can also be very useful in relieving stress. High intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to be a powerful healthy aging support for the heart and brain and targeted amounts of cardio are known to support repair and growth of brain cells, heart tissue, and lung function (VO2 max). Sprinting, for those that can handle it, has also shown benefit especially on supporting the reduction of visceral fat. A movement regimen that consists of plenty of walking with age-appropriate amounts of cardio and strength training, combined with balance and yoga-type exercises, might just do the trick. Throw in some HIIT if appropriate. While you’re at it, exercise outdoors and spend time barefoot on grass or sand, or swimming in the sea/lake/river, to get the benefits of natural light and being grounded to the earth.
- Teens and puberty: Any activity they like to engage in! Not everyone is super athletic, but we can all find some kind of “play” or exercise regimes we enjoy doing.
- 生育年龄:通过运动增强力量、灵活性、瘦肌肉和平衡荷尔蒙。对于与年龄有关的心血管僵化,HIIT 程序已被证明对心脏和血管有支持作用。
- 生育:更注重缓解压力的运动,但如果身体健康,则与正常的日常活动相当类似。
- Pregnancy: Research says pregnant women who remain active experience fewer issues with pregnancy and birth. Avoid contact sports and rough or stressful activities, of course!
- 更年期关注 安全地 keeping or building muscle mass for bone density and strength. Engage in activities that are joyful and playful to help with stress relief. Taking short walks after meals can support healthy weight. Do not fear intense, short duration exercise and weight training, as the benefits have been well studied, but please do so with supervision if advanced in age.
Traditional humans are exposed to extremes of heat and cold on a relatively regular basis. We evolved “shock” proteins that are released in response to the stress of the extreme heat or cold, which trigger a cascade of ultimately beneficial processes. This is known as hormetic stress, or “that which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” A growing body of research is finding a link between cold or heat exposure and healthier reproductive function and smoother menopause. Research tells us that 3-4 separate cold plunges in very cold water (under 10°C) totaling 11 minutes per week and 3-4 separate saunas totaling around 60 minutes per week is enough to see benefits in metabolism and fat composition.
It might seem counterintuitive to get in a sauna when you are experiencing hot flushes, but multiple research studies show saunas to be beneficial during perimenopause. Dry and/or infrared sauna has been shown to support internal temperature and sweat management, sound sleep, cardiovascular and joint comfort, healthy libido and weight, stress management, and a balanced mood in menopausal women. Sauna is generally thought of as higher than 75°C (approximately 170°F). Steam sauna does not appear to convey the same benefits.
On the cold end of the spectrum, emerging evidence suggests that regular cold plunging, or cryotherapy, may be supportive for hormone and reproductive function, stress and mood management, joint comfort, blood circulation and pressure, and increasing the amount of healthy “beige” fat (uncoupling the mitochondria in white adipose tissue) and decreasing the formation of damaging visceral fat around internal organs. Cold exposure has even been shown to support feelings of motivation by increasing dopamine levels for up to 6 hours. What constitutes “cold” water is generally taken to mean temperatures less than 15°C (approx. 60°F), even as low as 2-3°C, that result in a variety of hormetic stress responses in the body. Many people take 30-second to 2-minute blasts of cold water at the end of a shower, but this does not appear to have quite the same benefits.
A caveat would be that because these practices release stress hormones and trigger an immune response, it would be wise to check with a health practitioner before starting as to whether thermal therapy would be suitable for you. Cold plunging is best done at the start of the day, but anywhere up to midafternoon is fine. After 4-5 pm, your body is wanting to lower its temperature for sleep, so it will be harder for you to recover from cold exposure. Sauna seems to be most beneficial later in the day. Neither of these practices would be considered essential, unlike the other practices outlined in these articles; however, they can be fun and health-promoting if used in the right way for your body.
- 青少年与青春期桑拿和冷水浴对我们的青少年来说可能并不常见,但他们可能有时会在冷水中游泳。
- 育龄期:避免在排卵期、月经前和月经期间进行冷水浴。在此期间最好进行桑拿浴。
- 生育能力:同样,更侧重于缓解压力,因此要限制冷水浴;或许可以多做低温桑拿。
- 怀孕了如果你已经养成了热疗的习惯,那就不要有压力,做自己感觉对的事情。研究表明,在无并发症的怀孕期间,桑拿是安全的。如果您以前没有尝试过,也许现在不是引入桑拿的最佳时机。如果您热衷于桑拿,请咨询您的保健医生。
- 更年期:来吧冷水浴不一定要冰冷。注意任何额外压力的迹象,如果您有任何健康问题,尤其是心脏或免疫健康问题,请先咨询专业医生。
Traditional humans tend to live in areas where there is no pollution, very little plastic use, and where there are little to no non-native electromagnetic frequencies from cell towers, etc. Some tribes have started to use cell phones, so things are changing for them quickly. But, for all intents and purposes, these things have had little influence on their physiology and health to date. Research shows us that air pollution is detrimental to our metabolism and hormones. Chemical exposure can alter physiological function and affect our hormones as well.
Studies are more mixed on the effect of EMFs; however, much of the research showing no adverse effects is done by vested interests, and many studies showing the opposite are not widely seen. On a cellular level, EMF exposure can cause cells to accumulate calcium and decrease exclusion zone water, affecting their ability to make energy and stay healthy. It is wise to use caution with cell phones and laptops, etc., when pregnant, with little ones, or when trying to conceive.
Plastics, perfumes, and other chemical-containing products are well-known to contain endocrine disruptors, such as BPA and phthalates, so limiting their use may also be wise. Research tells us that we may be ingesting (via food, water, air, and through our skin) micro and nanoplastics at the rate of about the size of a credit card worth of plastic molecules each week. Polyester, nylon, and acrylic clothing materials can be problematic for us, for our microbiome, and for our environment, as they are petroleum-based, plastic polymers.
- 青少年和青春期帮助孩子尽可能避免塑料和其他化学污染。这些东西含有异雌激素,会破坏天然激素信号,与性早熟(早发)有关。
- 生育能力:塑料、香水、家用化学品都含有内分泌干扰物,因此使用天然替代品有助于提高生育能力。
- 怀孕:成长中的胎儿特别容易受到化学、塑料和电磁场污染的影响。不要紧张*但你要尽力限制自己的曝光率,这样宝宝才会得到支持。
- Menopause: Another female life stage where exposure to xenoestrogens are hugely problematic. Limit where possible.
- 了解有毒物质的来源以及如何减少接触有毒物质的机会,对各个年龄阶段的人都有好处。这可能是一项既费力又费时的工作,因此也许可以在压力较低时解决这些问题。
- *接地和阳光照射可以帮助身体及其细胞更好地应对毒性,饮食(动物蛋白和脂肪)和压力管理技巧也是如此。
We left the biggest until last… Stress. Chiefly emotional stress, but any stress on the body is a huge factor in hormonal health. In our modern lifestyle we are consistently in stressful situations—driving a car, working in an unnatural environment, pressure at work, economic pressure, multitasking, relationship problems, physical stress from poor diets, and more. Not often do we get a chance to “decompress.” The permanent state of the resulting fight-or-flight response without recovery periods results in hormonal imbalances, metabolic dysfunction, and oxidative stress, among many other negative physiological changes.
Many hunter/gatherer-type people, living their traditional lives, when questioned about emotional or mental stress, speak of “not worrying about things.” Their focus is finding food and connecting with each other, and this does not generally create mental anguish among the tribespeople. At least those things are not 觉察到 as stressful. Humans, and indeed other animals, are designed to be able to cope with stressful situations in short bursts—running from a threat or fighting an adversary. This changes our physiology dramatically, but then we return to normal relatively quickly. The trick is to learn to perceive daily events as simply just happening.
Something that has been shown to be very effective at supporting healthy stress levels is the practice of letting go of attachment to outcomes and seeing the reality of a situation. Meditation, mindfulness, and breathing techniques (breathwork) are examples of stress management practices.
Breathwork is also very important for our general physiology—breath-holding is a great de-stressor, and it helps you maintain the carbon dioxide/oxygen balance in your tissues. Exercise at appropriate levels is very supportive, and just being in nature can be very calming. Another thing to consider is body and facial bone and soft tissue structures; points of tension and structural abnormalities can affect your ability to breathe well, both day and night. It is a good idea to check in with an experienced, holistic bodywork practitioner, particularly if you are unable to get control of symptoms like worry mind, muscle and joint discomfort, irritability, teeth grinding, lack of energy, etc.
- 青少年和青春期:研究表明,每天进行冥想和呼吸练习对青少年大有裨益。通过引导他们这样做,为他们的人生奠定基础。
- Reproductive age: Expanding things on a metaphysical level, perhaps. There are many types of stress-relief techniques. Try CO2/O2 balanced, diaphragmatic breathing, mindfulness, or meditation, and a stress-relieving movement routine like yoga or Qi gong. Rigorous exercise can also help with emotional stress. Find the ones that work for you.
- 生育:更加注重缓解压力,促进受孕。扩大范围,包括释放生活中的压力。大多数女性表示,她们发现压力小的时候更容易受孕。
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Do whatever you have the time and energy for – simple breathing exercises may be your best friend.
- 更年期:在围绝经期,荷尔蒙会失衡,皮质醇会升高。这些失衡会导致体重增加、荷尔蒙紊乱、心血管和血糖失衡。研究表明,冥想和呼吸法有助于维持健康的皮质醇水平。