帮助自然管理忧虑心理的五大技巧 by Goodhealth

帮助自然管理忧虑心理的 5 大技巧

6 月 29, 2023




担忧与 "战斗、冻结或逃跑 "反应有关,这是我们经过数百万年生物进化而形成的自然防御机制。它包括一系列反应,让我们的身体做好准备,以应对感知到的危险。换句话说,当我们认为自己受到攻击时,"打、冻、逃 "反应就会启动,以保护我们不受伤害。想想当你感到紧张、担心或绷紧神经时心跳加速、手心出汗,你就会明白这一点。



      • 感到紧张

      • 呼吸急促

      • 心胸怦怦跳

      • 出汗,尤其是手掌出汗

      • 睡眠困难

      • 想要逃避日常生活

      • 尽管知道结果不太可能发生,但仍然持续恐惧和紧张

    这些症状可能会让人难以承受、感到不舒服和不受欢迎。当您出现这些焦虑情绪时,我们有 5 个小贴士供您尝试。

    缓解症状的 5 大诀窍

      1. It’s OKAY to be a bit stressed

      Don’t stress over feeling stressed. While we know this is easier said than done, it is important to try and relax, take slow, deep breaths, and accept that you’re going through a natural reaction and you’re going to be okay. Once you’re at peace with how your body is reacting, it’s much easier to think logically about your situation. It’ll also help you switch your focus from thinking about how you’re feeling, to how best you can work through it.


      All that nervous energy needs to be utilised. Exercise is good for you. Not only does fresh air make you feel so much better, but physical activity is also a great way to relieve stress and worry. If you’re lying in bed plagued with thoughts or sitting down and feel overwhelmed, get up and go for a walk. If you’ve had the sort of day where you’re so anxious you just want to crawl under the covers, step up the physical activity with a run or a bike ride. You’ll find that you’ll feel calmer, and your mood is boosted thanks to the increase in endorphins – these are the feel-good chemicals naturally produced by the central nervous system and the pituitary gland in response to physical exertion, that trigger a positive feeling in the body.


      平静的心是快乐的,现在有很多应用程序可以帮助我们应对压力,让我们回到快乐的状态。例如 Headspace 是一款专注于冥想和正念的流行应用程序。当我们的身体需要更多力量时,我们会带它去健身房。为什么不给大脑同样的关爱呢?

      哪怕只是在 YouTube 上找到一个简短的冥想或可视化系列,您可以在车上、外出散步时或在办公桌前播放。让大脑放松下来,沉浸在舒缓的冥想中,这将有助于平复您的情绪。研究表明,关注当下有助于控制忧虑心理的迹象和症状。



      You should try avoiding stimulants when you can. Coffee and alcohol, in particular, don’t help your pounding heart and busy brain. Switch these habits for good ones that’ll help relax you. Instead of coffee, you could try Chamomile tea. It has been brewed for centuries to ease the mind and calm frazzled nerves. Have a cup before bed if you’re a restless sleeper.  是您饮食的一大补充。它能舒缓紧张的肌肉,帮助安稳入睡,对您的整体健康还有很多好处。您还可以尝试 B 级无压力它的特殊配方有助于在压力和忧虑时保持平静。

      我们知道,管理 "忧虑心理 "说起来容易做起来难,但找到一种适合自己的技巧却大有裨益。了解忧虑的原因,并掌握这 5 个技巧,是一个很好的开始。



      How can I naturally manage my worried feelings?

      To naturally manage worried feelings, consider relaxation techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness meditation, and engaging in physical activities like walking or running. Building positive social connections and calming herbal remedies like chamomile tea can also help alleviate worry-mind.

      What are some natural alternatives to stimulants for managing worry?

      Instead of stimulants like coffee and alcohol, opt for calming alternatives such as chamomile tea, which has soothing properties. Incorporating magnesium-rich foods into your diet and considering supplements like B-Stress Free can also promote a sense of calm and support in times of mental and emotional stress.

