Feeling low on energy is a common struggle in today's fast-paced world. Or you may be asking yourself “why do I feel tired all the time and have no energy?” Whether it's due to demanding work schedules, lack of sleep, or simply feeling overwhelmed, low energy levels can impact every aspect of our lives. But understanding the root causes behind your fatigue and adopting healthy habits can help us reclaim our vitality. Making sure you have your “good health pillars” dialed in is a great place to start. Let’s look at lifestyle factors that may contribute to low energy and fatigue.
How to tackle low energy & fatigue?
1.Poor Sleep Habits: Quality sleep is crucial for energy restoration, this is when our body gets to detox, do its mental filing as well as tissue repairs. Disrupted sleep patterns or inadequate sleep can leave us feeling drained and lethargic.
Things to think about: Am I staying up late scrolling? Do I go to bed at different times every night? Do I hit the snooze button too often?
Pro-Tip: Establish a consistent sleep schedule (same bedtime and same wake up time) and a relaxing bedtime routine.
2. Nutritional Deficiencies: Our bodies require essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients to function optimally. Deficiencies in key nutrients that are essential for energy production such as iron, B vitamins, and magnesium can contribute to fatigue. Females, in particular, may need to keep an eye on iron levels due to our menstrual cycle.
Things to think about: Am I eating enough bioavailable protein at every meal? Am I getting enough variety of vegetables and fruit every day? Am I eating a nutritious breakfast? Do I need supplements to support some nutritional gaps?
Pro-Tip: Having natural energy boosters means eating a wholefood diet. If you meal plan, you’ll always meet your nutritional requirements and balance your blood sugar. Second tip: always get your iron levels tested before taking an iron supplement.
3. Stress and Mental Health: Mental well-being can impact physical energy levels. Chronic stress can exhaust our energy reserves by using up our essential vitamins (B vitamins) and minerals like magnesium, and this can contribute to low mood.
Things to think about: How is my self-care? Am I getting outside daily? Am I connecting with loved ones regularly?
Pro-Tip: Catch up with friends by going on a walk together; you’ll all benefit from connection, movement, and natural light.
4. Sedentary Lifestyle: “Move it or lose it,” the saying goes. Lack of physical activity can lead to muscle weakness, poor circulation, and decreased stamina, all of which contribute to feeling tired.
Things to think about: How many steps have I done today? What fun things can I do to move my body?
Pro-Tip: Exercise in the morning and outside if you can, as it’s great for energy levels but also your circadian rhythm, which means quality sleep.
5. Dehydration: Even mild dehydration can cause fatigue and impair brain function. Many people don’t drink enough water throughout the day, leading to energy slumps especially in the afternoon.
Things to think about: How much water do I need to drink? Have I got glass or stainless-steel water bottle? Have I got my minerals and electrolytes in balance?
Pro-Tip: Always start your day with a glass of mineral water, as we wake mildly dehydrated, this will energize your morning.
6. Working Long Hours: All work and no play can leave you feeling drained, not to mention contribute to your stress levels. If you work in an office, the artificial lights and air conditioning can also be draining.
Things to think about: Have I had a break today? Have I been outside today? Can I talk to my boss about my workload?
Pro-Tip: Short walks, stretching exercises, or brief moments of relaxation can help prevent burnout.
Bonus Pro-Tip: Seek Support: If you are making lifestyle changes and your low energy persists, consult with a healthcare professional to rule out underlying medical conditions such as anaemia, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, thyroid disorders, infections, cardiovascular issues, respiratory issues, fibromyalgia, or chronic fatigue syndrome.
By focusing on the root causes of low energy and implementing healthy habits, you can revitalise your body and mind. Remember that small changes can lead to significant improvements in energy levels over time. Prioritise self-care and listen to your body’s needs to achieve lasting vitality.