Flaxomega™ Capsules
Omega 3,6 & 9 Flax oil
Supports healthy skin
Supports skin, hormones and cardiovascular health
Omega 3,6 & 9 Flax oil
Supports healthy skin
Supports skin, hormones and cardiovascular health
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Good Health Flaxomega™ flaxseed oil is cold pressed, unrefined, and made from New Zealand grown flaxseeds. Flaxomega™ flaxseed oil is one of the best natural plant sources of both omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids (EFAs). EFAs are unable to be made in the body so it is important that they are obtained from quality foods or supplements. EFAs may support the maintenance of healthy skin, brain function, joint health, and cardiovascular health.
Supporting healthy skin
Supporting cardiovascular health
General health and well-being support
Circulation support
Dry / scaly skin
Supporting cellular health
Supporting brain function
Nervous system support
Joint support
1g (1000mg)
No added gluten, egg, dairy, or wheat, or artificial flavours, sweeteners, or colours.
Adults: Take 2 to 6 capsules daily or as professionally advised.
Contains soy oil
Not suitable for vegans. (Flaxomega Oil Organic (liquid) is suitable for vegans)
Flaxseed oil may have blooding thinning properties if taken in large doses. If you are taking Warfarin, please see your healthcare professional before taking flaxseed oil in high doses