5 Top Tips to Help Naturally Manage Worry-Mind by Good Health

5 Top Tips to Help Naturally Manage Worry-Mind

Tháng sáu 29, 2023

With the world moving at an ever-increasing pace, it can be hard for our minds to keep up and not feel overcome by everything that’s happening around us. No one is immune to feeling stressed. However, if you’re finding yourself feeling constantly overwhelmed and can’t pinpoint the cause, then it could possibly be something more than everyday pressure.

Worry-mind is a biological process that’s designed to keep you safe from harm. Although it’s one of the most important tools your body has, it can, at times, feel more hindrance than help. We’ve got some tips to help naturally ease some of the symptoms.

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Explaining Worry-Mind

Worry is related to the fight, freeze, or flight response, our natural defence mechanism that has biologically evolved over millions of years. It involves a series of reactions that prepare our body in response to perceived danger. In other words, when we think we’re under attack, the fight, freeze, or flight response kicks in to protect us from getting hurt. This might make sense when you think about the increased heart rate and sweaty hands you experience when you’re feeling nervous, worried, or uptight.

While worry linked to fight, freeze, or flight, is an important survival instinct – constant worry or nervousness that feels out of control could be linked to something more serious that should be discussed with your healthcare professional.

Symptoms of worry-mind can include:

      • Feeling on edge

      • Shortness of breath

      • Pounding heart and chest

      • Sweating, especially in the palms

      • Difficulty sleeping

      • Wanting to avoid daily life

      • Ongoing fears and nervousness despite knowing the outcome is unlikely

    These symptoms can be overwhelming, uncomfortable, and unwelcome. We have 5 top tips to try when you’re experiencing those anxious feelings.

    5 Top Tips for Relieving the Symptoms

      1. It’s OKAY to be a bit stressed

      Don’t stress over feeling stressed. While we know this is easier said than done, it is important to try and relax, take slow, deep breaths, and accept that you’re going through a natural reaction and you’re going to be okay. Once you’re at peace with how your body is reacting, it’s much easier to think logically about your situation. It’ll also help you switch your focus from thinking about how you’re feeling, to how best you can work through it.

      2. Get Up and Go

      All that nervous energy needs to be utilised. Exercise is good for you. Not only does fresh air make you feel so much better, but physical activity is also a great way to relieve stress and worry. If you’re lying in bed plagued with thoughts or sitting down and feel overwhelmed, get up and go for a walk. If you’ve had the sort of day where you’re so anxious you just want to crawl under the covers, step up the physical activity with a run or a bike ride. You’ll find that you’ll feel calmer, and your mood is boosted thanks to the increase in endorphins – these are the feel-good chemicals naturally produced by the central nervous system and the pituitary gland in response to physical exertion, that trigger a positive feeling in the body.

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      3. Practise Mindfulness

      A calm mind is a happy one and there are plenty of apps out there that are created to help us deal with stress and bring us back to our happy place. For example, Headspace is a popular app that focuses on meditation and mindfulness. When our body needs more strength, we take it to the gym. Why not give your brain the same love!

      Even if it’s just finding a short meditation or visualisation series on YouTube that you can play in your car, while you’re out walking or at your desk. Letting your mind relax and wander into a soothing meditation will help calm your nerves. Research shows that being mindful of the present can help manage the signs and symptoms of worry-mind.

      4. Surround Yourself with Positive People

      As much as we might feel like we just want to be alone when it seems like the weight of the world is on our shoulders, we’re social creatures. We need human interaction for social, physical and emotional support. Work on building relationships with people that encourage you to be the best version of you. Suggest meeting up at a café, catching a movie, or going for a walk somewhere new. Simply getting out of your own head can help reduce feelings of stress and worry.

      5. Curb the Bad Habits
      You should try avoiding stimulants when you can. Coffee and alcohol, in particular, don’t help your pounding heart and busy brain. Switch these habits for good ones that’ll help relax you. Instead of coffee, you could try Chamomile tea. It has been brewed for centuries to ease the mind and calm frazzled nerves. Have a cup before bed if you’re a restless sleeper. Magnesium is a great addition to your diet. It soothes tense muscles, can support sound sleep and has an abundance of other advantages for your overall wellbeing. You could also try B-Stress Free, which is specially formulated to support feeling calm in times of stress and worry.

      We know that managing worry-mind can be easier said than done but finding a technique that works for you can be greatly beneficial. Understanding the causes as well as looking at these 5 tips is a great place to start.



      How can I naturally manage my worried feelings?

      To naturally manage worried feelings, consider relaxation techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness meditation, and engaging in physical activities like walking or running. Building positive social connections and calming herbal remedies like chamomile tea can also help alleviate worry-mind.

      What are some natural alternatives to stimulants for managing worry?

      Instead of stimulants like coffee and alcohol, opt for calming alternatives such as chamomile tea, which has soothing properties. Incorporating magnesium-rich foods into your diet and considering supplements like B-Stress Free can also promote a sense of calm and support in times of mental and emotional stress.

