Many people are aware of the numerous health benefits associated with omega-3 intake. Despite that, most of us have low omega-3 levels. Much of today’s modern diet is low in animal fats and therefore deficient in these essential fatty acids AND the omega-protective saturated fatty acids, which can lead to conditions related to joint and skin health, and conditions of the brain and heart. Additionally, our diets are too high in the plant omega-6, linoleic acid. The omegas compete during metabolism and too much linoleic acid can cause other issues that are beyond the scope of this article. Omega-3s are crucial for our bodies’ vital processes however as we don’t produce it ourselves, it must come from diet or supplementation. Foods that are richest in Omega-3 oils generally come from the ocean, from oily fish like anchovies, sardines and krill; however, all animal fats will contain omega-3s and the “animal” omega-6, arachidonic acid, in a healthy ratio.
We’ve heard a lot about fish oil – but what’s so special about Krill oil?
Isn’t it just another Omega-3 oil?
Krill oil is now a very popular choice when choosing an Omega-3 supplement. It contains all the many health benefits of a regular Omega-3 oil with a few extras. Krill is an important species in the eco system. Goodhealth works with the MSC (Marine Steward Council) and the CCAMLR (Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources) where their strict quote ensures the Krill harvest is only 1% of the total estimated biomass in the exclusive catch area, ensuring there is minimal impact on the species.
5 things you should know about krill oil
1. Superior absorption. Krill oil is absorbed and utilised in the body far more effectively than any other Omega-3 oil. This is because of its unique phospholipid form that enables it to be transported throughout the body. Its superior absorption means that less is more – you don’t need to take as many capsules as other Omega-3 supplements to achieve the desired results.
2. Easy on the stomach. Krill oil is also better tolerated in the stomach as it is water soluble (unlike fish oil which is fat soluble) making it easily digested with little chance of reflux and no fishy aftertaste. This is particularly useful if you suffer from digestive or liver problems or if you have had your gall bladder removed.
3. Rich antioxidant. Krill oil is naturally rich in Astaxanthin and Choline – powerful antioxidants which support every cell in the body and support optimal health.
4. Low in heavy metals. Krill are naturally low in heavy metals as they live in the pure, pollutant-free waters of the Antarctic Ocean, making krill the safest form of ocean-based Omega-3.
5. Sustainably sourced. Quality krill oil can be traced from where it’s been fished. Look for krill oil that has been MSC certified (Marine Stewardship council) to ensure you’re buying a product made from sustainably caught krill. MSC is an international non-profit organization that traces krill oil through the supply chain to ensure to ensure a long-term sustainable industry.
Look for a high strength source of Omega-3 which is crucial for supporting joint health. Krill oil is a unique omega 3 as it is in a phospholipid form which means it is absorbed more easily into cells so it’s more effective. It also contains a Astaxanthin and Choline, which are potent antioxidants which also support joint health. Always look for MSC certified krill oil which ensures it has met the global standards for sustainability.