Regular exercise is good for you and your children. Getting them involved in team sports will help them to develop physical skills, make friends, have fun, learn to play as a member of a team, learn to play fair, improve self-esteem, and get the blood pumping. It may also spark a lifelong passion. If that’s not your thing, go for bike rides together on the weekend, or plan a different walk through one of New Zealand’s many beautiful walking tracks. Walking is one of the safest ways to keep your child’s lean body mass high and fat mass low.
The other wonderful thing about exercise is that it usually happens outside. We’ve been told to fear the sun, but did you know that the sunlight supports our circadian rhythm, our hormones, our sleep, and our microbiomes? In fact, much of our physiology is dependent on supporting cues from the natural spectrums and brightness/dimness of light at different points in the day (and night). Sunlight exposure, particularly in the early morning and evening, supports a healthy metabolism and body weight. Now, no one is suggesting that we let our kids go out and bake in the heat of the day, apart from a bit of vitamin D-time! The New Zealand sun often feels harsher than in the Northern Hemisphere. But we can teach our children the value of avoiding artificial light, especially at night, how to use shade and clothing as protection in the hot part of a summer’s day, and allowing safe and appropriate sun exposure to support their bodies again.
i. Help keep your kids focused and performing at their best at school by giving them a nutrient-dense, energy-filled breakfast of easily digestible fatty proteins like eggs, whole milk products, meats (think traditionally cured breakfast meats and sausages) and healthy, whole food carbs like fruit or fermented porridges. For a breakfast to fill those little tummies and keep them focused until lunchtime, it must include animal proteins and fats. Essential and conditionally essential amino acids are protein building blocks that are only found in the correct amounts in animal foods. They are so important for maximising their brain growth and development. Traditional foods (and food prep methods) have garnered much more interest recently and it’s no surprise, considering they’re loaded with nutrients that are important for your brain and body and have been proven to provide long lasting stamina and energy.
ii. Unless you are serving up three or more servings a week of fatty fish, or giving your child plenty of fatty red meat, your kids may need more omega-3. These fatty acids are a key ingredient in the building blocks of life. They are essential for brain and eye development and support learning and healthy behaviour in children. Seafood offers the highest levels, but there is bioavailable omega-3, DHA, and EPA, and the omega-6, arachidonic acid, in the correct ratios in fatty red meat. Fatty meat also contains other incredibly important fatty acids. Animal fat has an optimum saturated to mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio. see 脂肪分为饱和脂肪和不饱和脂肪,您知道它们的区别吗?
iii.多吃营养丰富的动物性食物以及孩子喜欢的水果和地上地下蔬菜,增强孩子的免疫力。如果想在冬季获得额外的帮助,可以尝试 Viralex 儿童免疫咀嚼片.这是一种美味的热带风味咀嚼片,专为支持它们的免疫健康而设计。
iv. Although the body makes its own Vitamin D from the sun, most kids (and adults) aren’t getting enough. It’s important for the growth and development of bones and teeth. It’s found naturally in fish, eggs, organ meats, grass-fed butter, free-range pork fat, and cod-liver oil, which are important to consume during winter. Give children Vitamin D3 in tablet form only when absolutely necessary. Animal foods also contain the other fat-soluble vitamins, A, E, and K2 – so essential for their growth and development.
v. Keep their bones strong and heart rhythm healthy with magnesium. Don’t let their bodies go without it. As well as supporting the immune system and helping maintain muscle and nerve function, it can also improve their sleep, mood, and regularity. Whole milk, especially raw and/or fermented, is rich in magnesium. A varied omnivorous diet should contain enough magnesium. If you are worried at all, supplementation is available as a temporary top up.
参见 Six Key Nutrients for Keeping Kids Healthy for more nutrition information.
为孩子们创造一个能自在表达自我的环境非常重要。这将有助于他们发挥潜能,在成长过程中更加快乐。让他们知道,"只有我 "就足够了,但您也会帮助他们发挥潜能。分享和谈论您是如何爱和支持您的孩子的--一直到月亮,然后再回来!
培养他们的自信和自尊,尤其是在高中阶段,因为他们正试图在这个世界上找到自己的位置,他们的心思非常细腻。与他们坦诚交流,分享你的感受,并鼓励他们分享自己的感受。确保倾听他们的心声。这将有助于建立一种持续一生的纽带。为他们提供一个安全的环境。如果你们是双亲家庭,尽量不要 "拉帮结派"。当出现问题时,你们中的一个人可以分开,这样他们总能找到一个可以寻求建议和安慰的人。
如果学校开始感觉像一个战场,他们每天都在战斗,那么家就应该是他们的避难所,甚至可以把他们的房间变成他们自己的小 "避风港"。让他们知道,即使他们并不总是做出最好的决定,你也会支持他们。无论遇到什么问题,他们都应该首先来找你,这让他们感到安全,这样你们俩都会更容易解决问题。
Setting them up with good habits and skills will go a long way in relieving stress as they figure out where they want to go in life. And with whatever it is they do choose, just make sure they know that you’ll always be their number one fan, and that home will always be their home.