Although winter is nearly over, there’s a lot of validity to the adage, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." The Good Health Viralex® range offers support for immediate concerns and seasonal ills and chills; however, it also has a host of herbal and nutritional ingredients to support your family’s immune health on a maintenance basis. Let’s take a more detailed look at some of the hero herbs and nutrients in the Viralex® range of immune-supporting products and at how herbs are able to support your body in times of stress, injury, or ill health.
How do herbs support the body?
Because plants cannot defend themselves with teeth, claws, or weapons, or by running away from a threat, they develop compounds (secondary metabolites) that deter animals from eating them (antifeedants). They also use these compounds to make themselves more attractive to pollinators—color, aroma, etc. Most of the 380,000 plant species that exist on Earth contain compounds that are toxic or poisonous to humans and most animals, but there are a few hundred or so herbs and spices that are used in traditional herbal practice that contain secondary metabolites, also known as bioactives, that are supportive to humans (and many animals). These bioactives are compounds like polyphenols or phenolics, saponins, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, etc. In the right dosages, these bioactive herbal compounds can support the body during bouts of seasonal ills or to recover from injury or ill health.
For example, saponins are a type of triterpenoid or steroid glycoside produced by plants as antifeedants and to protect them from microbial invasion. They’re called “saponins” because the root of the word, sapo, is Latin for soap, and they form a sort of foam when shaken in water. Saponins are known to support the immune and cardiovascular systems in humans. Astragalus and ivy leaf contain saponins. Another example of a bioactive secondary metabolite is a flavanol, a type of flavonoid (which is itself a type of polyphenol!), which also supports immune health and antioxidant function.
From herbs to pharmaceuticals
It may surprise people to note that around 50% of pharmaceuticals are derived from natural and plant origins, with 25% being actual plant derivatives. Many natural compounds are now synthesised in a lab, but the principles are based on the effects of certain molecules and compounds in nature. While drugs and herbs alike can support tissues, processes, and reactions in the body, only the body can do the work to regain and maintain homeostasis (balance) when things go awry. That is why we only use words like “support” when describing the effects of herbs and supplements.
The whole of the Viralex® range includes herbs and nutrients that primarily support the immune system and respiratory function; however, as with most of the herbs and spices in traditional practice, they are versatile and are supportive in a variety of health concerns.
Olive leaf
Olive leaf (Olea europaea) is a foundational herb in the Viralex® range and has been used in many different practices for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans regularly used olive leaf extracts, teas, and poultices to support numerous health conditions. Olive leaf extract contains oleuropein, a bitter phenolic, which is known to support immune and cardiovascular function, particularly when it comes to the innate immune defenses and blood vessel health. Hydroxytyrosol is another potent metabolite of olive leaf, which acts as a highly effective antioxidant and free radical scavenger. Olive leaf can also support blood sugar balance.
Olive leaf is included in Viralex®, Viralex® Lysine Plus, and Viralex® Attack.
Astragalus membranaceus root is an ancient Chinese herb known as Huang qi, traditionally used to “tonify qi, blood, lung, and spleen.” In Chinese traditional practice, the spleen is considered an important immune-supporting organ, while also playing a role in supporting energy production. Astragalus contains a number of bioactive secondary metabolites, including saponins and polysaccharides, which have been shown to support immune function in the body. Astragalus is known as more of a preventative herb than one to be used for immediate requirements; however, an experienced practitioner may use it on a case-by-case basis. Within the Viralex range, astragalus is used on a maintenance level to support the body throughout the year, which is why Viralex® should be replaced by Viralex® Attack at the first sign of ills and chills.
Astragalus is included in Viralex®.
Epicor® is a yeast fermentate from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a unique, natural ingredient that supports a rapid immune response. Epicor® supports antibodies found in mucous membranes in your mouth and nose. Invading pathogens then become trapped, and immune cells can more easily deal with them. Epicor® also supports the activity of white blood cells in the immune system and starts working in just two hours. Epicor® acts as a postbiotic, nourishing gut cells and mucosal lining where around 80% of immune cells reside. This also supports microbial balance and gut function and the immune system to function normally.
Epicor®, is a highly specialised formula made available to a select few natural health companies around the world. Good Health Viralex® immune support formulas are the only ones in New Zealand powered by Epicor®.
Epicor® is included in Viralex® Breathe Day and Night Chest Syrup, Viralex® Attack, Viralex® Soothe, and Viralex® Revive.
Pelargonium sidoides (Umckaloabo) root has an interesting history in western practice. An ancient South African remedy, Umckaloabo was introduced in the UK in the late 19th century as a patented treatment known as “Stevens’ Cure.” Modern science has confirmed its efficacy in supporting the upper respiratory system during seasonal ills and chills. Pelargonium contains phenolic compounds, coumarins, and flavonoids that are shown to be supportive to lung function during a bout of seasonal ills and, if required, through convalescence.
Pelargonium is included in Viralex® Attack.
Wellmune® is a baker’s yeast beta glucan that has been demonstrated to support immune health, energy, mental clarity, and stress management. When consumed, Wellmune® is absorbed by immune cells in the gut. It then travels to the immune glands and organs in the body—lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, thymus, etc. Wellmune® is broken down into smaller pieces that then attach themselves to immune cells, supporting them to recognise foreign invaders. Wellmune® can support humans of all ages and stages.
Wellmune® is included in Viralex® Kids.
Ivy leaf
Ivy leaf is approved by the German Commission E for use in supporting upper respiratory function during seasonal ills and chills. It contains saponins, which support healthy smooth muscle contractions. Ivy leaf extract supports the throat and airways to be calm and have thinner mucus. Ivy leaf extract also contains phenolic acids and flavonoids that are antioxidants and that can support a healthy immune response, airway clarity, and mucus levels—supporting a relaxation of chest tightness and that tickly feeling in the throat. Ivy leaf extract can also support urinary tract health.
Ivy leaf is included in Viralex® Breathe Day and Night Chest Syrup.
Wild cherry bark
Wild cherry bark is most widely known as supporting a loose chest and calm throat, especially at night. Wild cherry bark extract contains the secondary metabolite, amygdalin, which is shown to support the throat via the reflexes. It also contains cyanogenic glycosides, particularly prunasin, which support healthy smooth muscle contractions in the throat and airways. It is traditionally known as an ancient Ayurvedic herbal support for the lungs, blood, and digestive system.
Wild cherry bark is included in Viralex® Breathe Day and Night Chest Syrup.
Zinc, Vitamin D3, and Vitamin C
The mineral, zinc, and vitamins, D3 and C, are all vital cogs in human immune function. We should be getting these essential nutrients from our diet and, in the case of vitamin D3, from summer sunlight exposure; however, our modern diet is full of processed, nutrient-poor foods, and constant stress depletes us of these nutrients, so a little supportive supplementation can go a long way.
Zinc is required to support the immune defenses and thymus function. Vitamin C is a very good antioxidant, and it supports immune cells to function well and to get to where they are needed. Vitamin D3 supports the activities of both innate and adaptive immune cells.
Zinc is included in Viralex®, Viralex® Attack, Viralex® Kids, and Viralex® Lipo Pro C. Vitamin D3 is included in Viralex® and Viralex® Lysine Plus. Vitamin C is included in Viralex® Kids, Viralex® Revive, and Viralex® Lipo Pro C.
If you are at all concerned with your immune health, please see your GP, or connect with a natural health professional to personalise your diet, lifestyle, and herbal supplements.
TAPS Approval No: PP3122