如何支持大脑功能 by Goodhealth


4 月 27, 2023

Human brain function is declining worldwide. If nothing is done, this is expected to increase by close to 150% by 2050. With increasing brain stimulation in the digital world, the stress of living in our modern world, and many of us feeling “fuzzy in the head”, it is important to prioritise our brain health. From a young age our brain works hard, making and strengthening neural connections as we learn, grow, and have new experiences. This should not stop as we grow older. No matter your age, new nerve cells are continuously produced in the hippocampus, a brain region involved with the formation of new information. As we become more aware of ways to support our mental health regarding mood disorders, we must also realise the need to actively support our brain function.



  1. 问问自己:你脱水了吗?
  2. 充分利用冬季,保证充足睡眠
  3. 不要害怕蛋黄
  4. 摄入必需脂肪酸
  5. 优先考虑肉类和内脏
  6. 学会学习
  7. 寻找促智草药巴柯巴和鼠尾草


Around 60% of the human body is water. Water is required by every cell, supporting our energy levels and transport nutrients and oxygen to the brain. New research is looking into the role that structured water plays in cell biology – acting as a sort of “battery” to create electrical charge to support energy and connection. Common symptoms of dehydration include brain fog, fatigue, dizziness, and lack of focus; however, these are easily relieved by drinking more water! On average, female adults should be drinking at least 2 litres of water per day, more if you are taller, male, exercising, or drinking coffee. Electrolyte status in the body is essential for fluid balance, so make sure you are getting enough minerals, especially sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and chloride. Sipping water throughout the day instead of gulping it down every so often, and eating a non-processed, whole food diet, with sea salt will support this.

Make the most of winter and get plenty of sleep

Feeling tired? Lack of sleep impairs our ability to hold attention and impacts mental clarity. Studies have found that people who go to bed late and have trouble waking up in the morning are more likely to have a shortened lifespan, a much higher risk of psychological disorders, brain deficits like poor focus, fuzzy thinking, and low mood. When we sleep our cells repair themselves, so that our neural pathways strengthen, and information is consolidated. The glymphatic system “cleans” the brain when we are in deep sleep, so quality is key.

研究表明,人类每晚需要约 8 小时的高质量睡眠,其中午夜前至少要睡几个小时。我们的 睡眠/唤醒 cycle, or circadian rhythm, is regulated by sunlight signals throughout the day. Going to bed late, sleeping late, and getting too much artificial light upregulates cortisol, downregulates melatonin, and perpetuates the vicious cycle of worsening sleep and daytime fatigue. Evolutionarily, our hormones would have been regulated by awaking with the sunrise and being exposed to natural light all day, ending with the sunset, and then firelight or candlelight before bed. Orange/red bulbs, or blue blocking glasses at night and during those dark, winter mornings before sunrise, are excellent ways to mitigate the hormonal imbalances caused by constant exposure to artificial light, as is turning off your devices after sunset. Exercise is also critical for brain health, but you could consider getting out of the gym and outside into the light!


Full of brain supporting nutrients (chiefly the yolk), eggs are a beneficial addition to the diet. A wonderful source of choline – once known as vitamin B4, which supports healthy circulation to the brain and response time, protects the brain from oxidative stress, and helps the body to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in mental clarity and focus.  Eggs are easily incorporated in the diet at any meal, and as a great source of both fat and protein, they will give your mind plenty of fuel! The brain loves to use fat in the form of ketones as a fuel, as well as glucose.


Composed of around 50% fat, the brain requires omega-3 and 6 essential fatty acids for optimal mental health. Because these cannot be produced by the body, they need to be obtained from dietary sources. The Omega-3s, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and the Omega-6, arachidonic acid (ARA), are only found in animal fats. These Omegas support the structure and function of the brain, antioxidant activity, and the growth of new brain cells. Research has also found that animal fats may be a protective factor for the brain. It is important to note that overconsumption of linoleic acid, from plant oils, can disrupt the balance of omegas, among other damaging effects, and so vegetable/seed oils should be avoided. See “脂肪分为饱和脂肪和不饱和脂肪。知道区别吗?” for the skinny on fat!


Meat and organs, especially from ruminant animals, are rich in all the essential nutrients and bioavailable proteins and fats that our brain requires to develop, function, and repair itself. We have been told that red meat is “bad for us and the planet”, but this could not be further from the truth. Many of the nutrients that are plentiful in red meat are either absent from, or too low in, plant foods. For example, our bodies synthesise the amino acids, carnitine, taurine, and creatine, but in insufficient amounts. All 3 are essential for brain function and research has found that increasing their dietary (or supplemental) intake can support mental clarity and brain function. Iron and zinc, the most abundant minerals in the brain, are critical for brain health, are plentiful in red meat, and difficult to obtain from plant foods. In fact, studies have shown that vegetarians tend to experience more mental illness than omnivores.


日常学习是支持健康的大脑功能和清晰的头脑直至晚年的最有力工具之一。语言、乐器、新的体育技能、舞蹈和其他学科都已被研究并证明可以保护甚至增强健康的大脑功能。 每天做填字游戏或拼图可能还不够;您必须训练大脑并刺激神经连接和通路,这样才能产生持久的效果。研究还发现,冥想有助于减轻压力,并对大脑健康产生积极影响。




早在公元前 3000 年,阿育吠陀就开始使用这种草药、 积雪草或婆罗米,以支持大脑而闻名。研究表明,巴戟天能支持健康的大脑功能。作为一种脑部滋补品,巴枯巴有助于集中精神,减轻神经衰弱,促进血液循环,帮助身体更好地应对压力。作为一种抗氧化剂,巴枯巴能够保护大脑免受过度氧化,同时加强人体自身的抗氧化机制。巴枯巴对大脑的关键区域(如海马体和额叶皮层)有支持作用,有助于提高头脑清晰度和注意力。人们还认为巴柯巴能够帮助释放压力荷尔蒙和促进神经递质的产生。


鼠尾草源自 "salvere"(治愈),在阿育吠陀、中国、古希腊、古罗马和古埃及的保健实践中有着悠久的使用历史。鼠尾草通常被认为是一种雌激素草药,可以帮助调节情绪和平衡体温,最近又被认为是一种支持健康大脑功能的草药。作为一种抗氧化剂,鼠尾草有助于保护大脑免受损伤,并支持大脑的健康循环。研究表明,鼠尾草有助于提高精神清晰度和注意力,并能减轻年轻和年长测试对象的疲劳感。


The brain is responsible for the co-ordination of all our activities, as well as being the source of our knowledge, holding our memories and helping to define who we are. It is a common myth that as we age, our brain function naturally declines; when given the right support, the brain can continue to make new neural connections, and thrive well into our later years. What we eat, drink, and even supplement each day, how we learn, and how we interact with the natural environment, has a long-lasting effect on our brain health. The trick is to start today and support your brain health for tomorrow.
TAPS 批准号 PP2276




必需脂肪酸(欧米茄-3 和欧米茄-6)如何促进大脑健康?

必需脂肪酸(如欧米茄-3 和欧米茄-6)对大脑的结构和功能起着至关重要的作用,可促进抗氧化活动,支持新脑细胞的生长,支持心理健康和大脑功能,从而促进大脑健康。

